I know the X mas part happened in the ASPD days. But can anyone tell me what happened? I've been curious ever since I joined here.
Originally Posted by mr666
Well... an uninvited individual was walking into the event eating a candy bar when he bumped into Keely (a well respected provider known for having a penis) Aaaaaaaaaanyway...
Keely says: Hey! You got chocolate on my penis!
Intruder say: You got your penis in my chocolate! And then they kissed. (Awwwwwwwww.)
I'm sure you can connect the dots from this.
Pandemonium ensued! Dogs dancing with cats, cats dancing with dogs! A complete breakdown of social etiquette and civility. A most distasteful display indeed. And who did it hurt the most? Well certainly not moi...
pyro (my apologies... I just get so emotional reliving all that. Thanks for bringing that memory back to the surface to fester once again..)