Allen West gets his recount after county admits not counting another 500 early votes.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Go big daddy! The county struggled to keep from counting the votes again. If there was nothing wrong then what was the deal. It was only this afternoon that they admited that they didn't count nearly 500 early votes. This is on top of the double counting that they admitted last week changing the difference from 2500 to 1900.

Some get WTF off the fat lady, she is needed to begin her singing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sure it was an honest mistake, just like in the counties in Ohio where Romney got zero votes. No signs of voter fraud. I'm sure they are very embarrassed.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Big story in Texas where Obama only got a very few votes, like about one percent. So they are investigating to see if the reason was racism.
No investigation into Ohio where more than one area Romney got zero votes. Ya think there was any racism there?
It's not looking good for Allen West. The end could be near as he falls "further behind."

Strike that, make it very near!

From Politico:
He is a token and can't give up...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2012, 06:40 AM
Allan West was beaten by a 29 year old political novice among other reasons but he is toast.

JD, wanna bet any money on this? You are 0-fer the year. You are living in 2010 when you have light voter turnout. That fuc'd all you Tea Nuts into believing you were on to something. Turns out you were , Obama big black cock up your asses!
Again, Don't Know WTF shows his ignorance of the facts.....
.. You are living in 2010 when you have light voter turnout. That fuc'd all you Tea Nuts into believing you were on to something. Turns out you were , Obama big black cock up your asses! Originally Posted by WTF
The 2010 election had a very high turnout, relative to other off-year election cycles.................and especially high considering the overall trend downward in total percent of eligible voters.
markroxny's Avatar
West is still gonna lose at the end of the day JD. That's what you don't get.
If West loses to an honest count, then so be it...what I don't get is you liberal retards NOT wanting all ballots counted.

West is still gonna lose at the end of the day JD. That's what you don't get. Originally Posted by markroxny
markroxny's Avatar
If West loses to an honest count, then so be it...what I don't get is you liberal retards NOT wanting all ballots counted. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Because its a waste of time and resources.......

If there is a single purpose of government it is to have fair and honest elections in which all votes get counted.......

But your kind thinks otherwise, it is more noble to spend tax dollars on Obama phones, and other nonsense.....

Because its a waste of time and resources.......

BECAUSE HE LOST! Originally Posted by markroxny
It is incredibly revealing that you don't want all votes counted.
markroxny's Avatar
Have your recount.

markroxny's Avatar
Allen West trails by even more votes after recount

Rep. Allen West’s (R-Fla.) odds in Florida’s 18th District race grew longer on Sunday when a recount of early ballots yielded Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy a net gain of nearly 300 votes, expanding his lead over the incumbent to over 2,000 votes.
A St. Lucie County recount resulted in Murphy gaining 274 votes, the Miami Herald reported. Murphy’s campaign continued to claim victory, while West’s campaign refused to give in just yet, the paper also reported. But the Republican’s options appear to be limited. His deficit is outside the automatic recount threshold, and time is running out.

“We will review the results of today’s recount and the other available data to determine how to proceed,” West said in a statement Sunday.
If Murphy is officially declared the winner, Democrats will have picked up seven seats in the House this cycle, with one race outstanding in Rep. Mike McIntyre’s (D-N.C.) district.
Let it be said that MarxMarx thinks it is a waste of money to count votes......fucking communist.