MACY'S should wise up and dump "The Donald"!

Shortly after Donald Trump was exposed on Letterman for having ranted about Obama's "China Policy", Letterman revealed Trump's line of "designer" over-priced silk ties sporting his name were actually made in China. LMAO

Macy's certainly doesn't need that kind of liability in this retail climate!

Trump, the blowhard.

Join the protest about Trump's hypocrisy by signing the petition to DUMP TRUMP here!

You're fired, Donald!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What do you care, I bet you have never stepped foot in a Macy's store in your life.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is there a problem with anyone caring about assholes like Trump? why does it bother you?

deep breath, dipshit!
Trump is a gassed up failure did you guys here about his restaurant in Vegas getting a c rating for his month old caviar, lobster, sauces etc. This dude can't even run a restaurant much less be a valid contender to talk about the faults of the president.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Say what you want about Trump. The guy is worth an estimated 3.1 billion dollars. Not bad for an old "gassed up failure".
In March 2011 Forbes estimated Donald Trump's net worth to be $2.7 billion, with a $60 million salary. Many praise and analyze his “success” as if it were self-made, and they fail to attribute the proper credit to others in society where it is deserved. Despite what Trump may espouse, his success would have been in no way possible without his father, the general public, and the US government. Unfortunately, Trump decided to forget or selectively ignore these truths while forming his political philosophy, a sentiment made particularly clear during his brief bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
According to one page of his three-page statement, Trump owns, among others: $1.37 billion in commercial properties; $1.22 billion in private clubs; $652 million in co-owned properties; $261 million in properties in development; and $270 million in cash. He estimates that his Miss Universe pageant is worth about $20 million.
He reports $379 million in debts.
In 2005, Trump sued a New York Times reporter for libel after the reporter, Timothy O’Brien, estimated Trump may have be worth as little as $250 million. He is No. 128 on the latest Forbes 400, with a fortune estimated at $2.9 billion.
Q: Let me just ask you first about the first sentence there: Trump relentlessly bloviating about his developments -- this is going to be the biggest, best, most amazing -- leads people to assume he exaggerates his net worth. Do you see that?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you know what bloviating means?
A: Well, I'm not sure that there's an exact definition, but I would imagine that's what it means.
Q: Exaggeration?
A: Could be, yeah.
Q: Lying?
A: No.
[from a deposition given by Donald Trump in a libel lawsuit]
His net worth is almost as inflated as that gerbil on his head he want's people to think is his hair.
chefnerd's Avatar
Gerbil? I thought someone stapled a dead Pomeranian to his skull.

Yeah to say a live animal was inhabiting his cranium would be to flattering.
I believe macy's said they have an excellent working partnership with the guy...his merchandise sells like ! and that's folks....thats all that matters. The bottom line
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I won't stop going to Macy's. But what I don't get is why so many of you dipshits care one way or another of someone else chooses not to?
I'm more of a Saks girl.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What kind of an idiot cares about Trump? He can't raise your taxes. He can't get you to go to war. His show is entertaining at times but beyond that...?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
My point exactly, why does anyone care about Trump. He is little more than a showman with his name for a brand.
I lump him in with rappers, actors,and the ilk that produces very low quality entertainment.
I did think he shined when he pulled off the greatest attention grabbing farce by pretending to run for President. It was great watching all the libtards dong double flips like it was real.
It was great watching all the libtards dong double flips like it was real. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Having an actual admitted Birther as the Republican nominee would have been absolutely PRICELESS!

Hell, Donnie was just saying out loud what the rest of them were thinking, but were afraid to say!

BTW 2Pups, congrats are in order for your new title. I would have voted for ya but no one asked!
We can talk about Trump if we want to it doesn't matter what he's in charge of, so you guys saying otherwise can shut the trap you claim you spew logic and valid points out of. I don't see anyone strapping your balls down and forcing you to read this thread. It's the motherfuckin' sandbox beyotches.