Hamas Shouldn’t Fire Rockets … But Israel Has Violated HUNDREDS of UN Resolutions

SEE3772's Avatar
Hamas Firing Rockets Is Unforgivable … But Israel Has Done MUCH Worse

We condemn Hamas for firing rockets into Israel. We believe that targeting civilians is unconscionable and illegal under international law.

But by any objective measure, Israel has broken the law much more than Hamas. Haaretz noted in 2002:

Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

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LexusLover's Avatar
"We condemn Hamas for firing rockets into Israel."

Who is "we"?

This is the "source"?


From a BLOG?
Quoting someone from another BLOG?

Opinion, based on opinion, based on opinion.

What resolutions, what provisions of those resolutions, and what factual basis for the violations?
See and the Muslim Brotherhood
Budman's Avatar
Targeting civilians? Seriously. So using your reasoning as long as Hamas places their rocket launchers in schools, residential neighborhoods and any other area populated by civilians then Isreal should just sit back and take it. Hamas is responsible for the death and destruction that Isreal is sending their way.
LexusLover's Avatar
Targeting civilians? Seriously. So using your reasoning as long as Hamas places their rocket launchers in schools, residential neighborhoods and any other area populated by civilians then Isreal should just sit back and take it. Hamas is responsible for the death and destruction that Isreal is sending their way. Originally Posted by Budman
Do you remember the video years ago of a young boy (early teens) walking up to an Israeli checkpoint with a bomb vest on?

Now look at the photo of the motorcycles dragging one of their own through the street for all to see ...

Animals is a better word to describe their behavior toward their own people.

U.N. Resolution 181 (1947) ...

... authorizes the establishment of a Jewish State. Period.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I remember the video of a young woman walking up to a check point. Something about her was wrong. They stopped her and she had on a suicide vest. The Israelis spent a couple of hours trying to get her to take it off. She was there for medical treatment she couldn't get in Gaza. They finally got her to stand down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqh747DGfsg Why didn't they just shoot her if they were so bad?
LexusLover's Avatar
Why didn't they just shoot her if they were so bad? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Or they could have dragged her back to Gaza behind a motor cycle on a long chain!
I don't fuck with women wearing suicide vest....
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It's not often that one hears wisdom these days.

. . . But those are indeed wise words!

I don't fuck with women wearing suicide vest.... Originally Posted by ekim008
HELL, Us Americans always root for the under dog. 350 million to 8 million. Lets Roll...fuckers
LexusLover's Avatar
HELL, Us Americans always root for the under dog. 350 million to 8 million. Lets Roll...fuckers Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Unless the underdogs are Jewish, and then not "everyone" is "on board."