sObamacare Backtracking by Denny's and Papa John's

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, looks like someone in accounting (and quite possibly, marketing) have shown these two geniuses running these two companies some FACTS.

Both of them have now backed off of their earlier headline grabbing rants about the retaliation they are going to implement upon their employees after the last election. Hmmm, I guess tax breaks and the fact that Democrats and Independants like to eat their products may have called for a re-examination of their bottom line.

More Teawipe talking points disappear.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"retaliation" You are an ignorant slut.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, I guess the whole "vote for Obama and you'll lose your job" phenomena was just a halluciation. Personally, some asshole "job creator" telling me to tip more because he's cutting his employees' pay which, by the way, is already a whopping $2.35/hr for wait staff, smacks of retaliation to me. To you, from your vantage point behind a mop, it probably seems normal.