Foreshadowing the future?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Yes, even if it is Thanksgiving. Obama takes action and the turkey dies. No, I'm not talking about Louise or Randy...I could be but I'm not. Does this indicate that our country is cooked like that dog and Peace.
Does this indicate that our country is cooked like that dog and Peace. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, it merely means you're a whining crybaby having difficulty getting over the fact that you lost an election that you were absolutely certain you were going to win.

Damn those misleading FAUX News polls!

Glad I could help show you (and others) the light! No charge for services rendered!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Jane, you ignorant slut, a Presidential pardon isn't the same thing as eternal life. Ol' Peace got an extra year. Maybe it actually got sick and died. Maybe it's today's dinner. BFD. Throw this under the bed with the rest of the commies and enemies of the state your delusionary condition requires.

Yes, even if it is Thanksgiving. Obama takes action and the turkey dies. No, I'm not talking about Louise or Randy...I could be but I'm not. Does this indicate that our country is cooked like that dog and Peace. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Maybe when you get ill they will just put you to sleep...