Senator Tom Cotton Concedes: Obama is Smarter Than Trump

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
good looking out Tom

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who has repeatedly argued that the House should have spent more time on the bill, credited Democrats on Sunday for a “careful and deliberate approach” when they drafted the Affordable Care Act back in 2009.

“When the Democrats came to power in 2009, for 60 years at least, they had been pursuing a national healthcare system, yet they didn’t introduce legislation for eight months, and they didn’t pass it for over a year of Barack Obama’s first term,” he said.

“So it went through very public hearings and took testimony, developed fact based foundation of knowledge, President Obama traveled around the country, held town halls and spoke to a joint session of Congress,” the senator added. “I am not saying we needed 14 months to do this, but I think a more careful and deliberate approach, which we now have time to do because we are going to have to revisit healthcare anyway, would have gotten us further down the path to a solution.”
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Trump cannot articulate clear thoughts and ideas so he'd never be able to travel around the country talking real policy. His untreated Syphilis has eroded what brain cells he was born with. It's the very reason he hides from the media and strictly uses Twitter. Trump is clueless and could never go around talking to anyone about anything in depth especially with something as complicated as healthcare. Trump is a 3 phrase guy...he's either saying

It's bad it's terrible
Where going to win big league
We will make America Great Again

he cannot I repeat CANNOT articulate anything basic or of substance ....fuck being President he's a disgrace as a so called executive and it proves the guy hasn't done shit his entire life. When the going gets tough he hits the front 9.
Huh, took them 22 months to write that piece of shit legislation.
At least the republicans wrote a piece of shit legislation in two weeks.
Tom Cotton is a fool
Trump doesn't like his cock sucked by congress and he sure as Hell won't suck their cocks. They hate him with a passion and he won't get much done with those criminal cocksuckers in the House and Senate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
tom cotton was only being nice, unfortunately.

I don't think he gets that it took dems 22 months to write crappy legislation, start to finish.
  • DSK
  • 03-28-2017, 09:11 AM
good looking out Tom

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who has repeatedly argued that the House should have spent more time on the bill, credited Democrats on Sunday for a “careful and deliberate approach” when they drafted the Affordable Care Act back in 2009. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Your heading is a complete lie!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So are your handles, JL.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tom Cotton is a fool Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Yeah, that stupid fool is listenening to his constituents.

What a fucking Idiot!!!!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahz !
gladius82's Avatar
It took Democrats 22 moths to draft legislation that is failing on it's own. If Congress does nothing it will collapse. They tried to fix it in two weeks...that was the mistake.
Scrap it and start over from scratch.
Huh, took them 22 months to write that piece of shit legislation.
At least the republicans wrote a piece of shit legislation in two weeks. Originally Posted by canuckeight
It took 22 months to write the ACA because there are thousands of pages in it. One of the reasons why it is going to be difficult to repeal is because the dam thing is like a Rubik's Cube. It's so multifaceted by repealing it something beneficial can get really screwed up. I guess you can say that's the beauty of that scam these crazy bastards created.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
How did it affect your permanent disability checks, Jim?