White Women Educating Their Kids in 2017

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If Odumbo was so fuckin' smart, why is it he tended to mangle the Declaration of Independence time after time after time when he was reciting its opening lines, Shit-stained Chapped-ass?
If Odumbo was so fuckin' smart, why is it he tended to mangle the Declaration of Independence time after time after time when he was reciting its opening lines, Shit-stained Chapped-ass? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And why did he insist on pronouncing " Corps " as corpse ? Why didn't he AXE someone how it should be pronounced before he pissed off all the Marines ? As if he cared about pissing off the military.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And why did he insist on pronouncing " Corps " as corpse ? Why didn't he AXE someone how it should be pronounced before he pissed off all the Marines ? As if he cared about pissing off the military. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Odumbo's effete, elitist vision of the world is as far from reality as his pronunciation of that word "Corps" was wrong.
The "TelePrompter in Chief" was a master at reading, not writing.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-27-2017, 09:56 AM
Like this isn't stupid huh bitch? Just remember you started this shit...
Wow....now you're quoting Canadian female bloggers. Big whoop, Douchey.
the lesson is:

how not to lie like obama,

how to be forthright and strong like trump

how not to be afraid to take a stand like trump

how not to be tricky and devious and unable to state what you really are up to like obama
Like this isn't stupid huh bitch? Just remember you started this shit... Originally Posted by R.M.
Just like Forest Gumps moma always said stupid is as stupid does
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, Twitler is a FUCKING ORATOR!

I wonder where he'll fall on this list? He makes Dubya sound good! BIGLY!


Yssup Rider's Avatar
the lesson is:

how not to lie like obama, NOPE. LIE LIKE TRUMP!

how to be forthright and strong like trump NOPE. SELL OUT TO THE RUSSIANS!

how not to be afraid to take a stand like trump NOPE. GRAB PUSSIES LIKE TRUMP!

how not to be tricky and devious and unable to state what you really are up to like obama HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

This is truly some BULLSHIT! But you've got quite an appetite for bullshit.

Kelly wishes our President was like the dreamy cabana boy mooslem 0zombie of canukistan... http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/...haria-law.html

"After meeting thousands of new Syrian refugees, listening to their stories and learning more about the Muslim faith, I have learned to love Islam and the people of Islam. Islam promotes peace, not violence and is in fact more peaceful than Christianity. I feel like this is the religion I belong with and I should identify as."
FU 0zombies
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck you, SLOBBRIN.

Another bullshit quote from another bullshit website.


Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Like this isn't stupid huh bitch? Just remember you started this shit... Originally Posted by R.M.

naah you did long time ago...and you still do on a daily basis pretty much. But its not like I expect you to remember anything...typical fake Tree e Trumpite
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Wow....now you're quoting Canadian female bloggers. Big whoop, Douchey. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
she is hot.