Saudi State-Run TV makes fun of Biden/Harris

tman1847's Avatar
The Biden skit is also notable given it comes at a time when relations between Saudi Arabia and the US are at rock bottom.

In an interview with The Atlantic magazine published last month, MBS (the head of Saudi government) made clear his view of Biden, saying he didn't care what the US president thought of him.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, MBS reportedly ignored Biden's phone calls. Biden had hoped to get Saudi Arabia to produce more oil to make up for the impact of the US ban of Russian oil imports.

This is a 40+ year politician, that one of you Biden Boi’s bragged was head of the Foreign Relations committee, TWICE

And former President Trump with no political experience:
On September 15, 2020, the United States, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain signed the historic Abraham Accords. With this accomplishment, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain charted a new course in the history of Arab-Israeli relations by recognizing the State of Israel and normalizing diplomatic relations. Later that year, two other Arab nations, Sudan and Morocco, followed suit and joined the Abraham Accords

This is how Joey brings back respect to the Presidency
What do you expect when you elect a old, stupid, senile, , inept, lying, pathetic, corrupt piece of shit as your President.

“Leader of the Free World”. What a fucking joke.
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do you expect when you're a old, stupid, senile, , inept, lying, pathetic, corrupt piece of shit.
Originally Posted by Jackie S

FTFY, old timer.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I voted for Biden because he sends me welfare packs of depends

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Biden skit is also notable given it comes at a time when relations between Saudi Arabia and the US are at rock bottom.

In an interview with The Atlantic magazine published last month, MBS (the head of Saudi government) made clear his view of Biden, saying he didn't care what the US president thought of him.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, MBS reportedly ignored Biden's phone calls. Biden had hoped to get Saudi Arabia to produce more oil to make up for the impact of the US ban of Russian oil imports.

This is a 40+ year politician, that one of you Biden Boi’s bragged was head of the Foreign Relations committee, TWICE

And former President Trump with no political experience:
On September 15, 2020, the United States, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain signed the historic Abraham Accords. With this accomplishment, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain charted a new course in the history of Arab-Israeli relations by recognizing the State of Israel and normalizing diplomatic relations. Later that year, two other Arab nations, Sudan and Morocco, followed suit and joined the Abraham Accords

This is how Joey brings back respect to the Presidency Originally Posted by tman1847

Saudi's were just holding to the 2020 2 year oil deal with OPEC to cut production by 9 million barrels/day. Towards the end of the deal this was reduced to 4mill/day... Just this month that deal runs out. This was a trump strong arm deal with the Saudi's as he threatened to pull military aid out of SA if they didn't cut production. He also covered up the Kashoggi assasination for them.

In other news Kushner got 2 billion from the Saudis. Hmmmm
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those are the kind of deal one has to some horse trading to get certain things done. some are distaste full, but you have to do what you have to do when dealing with authoritarian regimes.
Love their take on Kamala.
Much funnier then SNL ( which hasn't been funny in about 40 years).
tman1847's Avatar
Saudi's were just holding to the 2020 2 year oil deal with OPEC to cut production by 9 million barrels/day. Towards the end of the deal this was reduced to 4mill/day... Just this month that deal runs out. This was a trump strong arm deal with the Saudi's as he threatened to pull military aid out of SA if they didn't cut production. He also covered up the Kashoggi assasination for them.

In other news Kushner got 2 billion from the Saudis. Hmmmm Originally Posted by royamcr
LOL of course it's Trump's fault what else would we expect you to say.

Here's a fresh quote from today's Yahoo liberal news
“Look, I’m not going to BS. We’ve done a f—ing horrible job and sometimes I think we deserve to lose big in November,” said one Democratic strategist. “Democrats can say whatever they want but it’s not honest. OMG
Who signed the fucking deal genius?
those are the kind of deal one has to some horse trading to get certain things done. some are distaste full, but you have to do what you have to do when dealing with authoritarian regimes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So it isn't America first with Trump? It's Saudis first.
... No, it was AMERICA First.

And with Biden on - it's been America LAST.

Take a look - Joe's poll numbers SHOW IT! ...

### Salty
Joe's polls have never been nearly as low as Trump's.

America first, lets raise gas prices by cutting oil output for 2 years. Meanwhile covering up the murder of Jamal Kashoggi and making sure the Saudis have military support. Murica first, trumptard dur ta dur.
tman1847's Avatar
Who signed the fucking deal genius? Originally Posted by royamcr
So why don't you tell your genius buddy Joe Biden to threaten to take the US Military out of Saudi Arabia if they don't increase oil production.
Why, because he'll fuck that up just like the border, Afghanistan, his "sanctions", the economy, and he's still looking to throw out a couple trillion "free money"

He's so respected they (Saudis) won't even take his phone calls What a disgrace
Even a Democratic strategist, “Look, I’m not going to BS. We’ve done a f—ing horrible job and sometimes I think we deserve to lose big in November,” said one Democratic strategist.
Robert Gates was Obama's Secretary of Defense when Biden was VP and stated Bidens been wrong on top foreign policy issues for decades. Obama's Secretary of Defense not Trump's. Keep defending the loser