Santorum is a Believer - he'll protect us from Muslims and worse!

Tell Larry Flynt to leave Santorum alone! He is our only hope against the wages of sin and he won't tolerate Muslim zealots either!

"Butt out" has a mean-spirited sexual connotation, too, Larry!

Rick Santorum may be the only one who can save us from ourselves.
joe bloe's Avatar
Tell Larry Flynt to leave Santorum alone! He is our only hope against the wages of sin and he won't tolerate Muslim zealots either!

"Butt out" has a mean-spirited sexual connotation, too, Larry!

Rick Santorum may be the only one who can save us from ourselves. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I think Santorum is making a political mistake going after porn if uses it in the general election. Too many people like it, even Republicans. He might energize his base with that tactic but I think it will hurt him with the swing vote in the general election. I guess right now he's just concerned with getting nominated.