Attachment Uploading Error

Just wanting to let ECCIE know that when us ladies are posting ads with attachments, the attachments keep showing upload error. It could be me but I use it all the time and have never had this problem.
  • Addie
  • 02-13-2016, 10:16 AM
It's not just you. Happened to me yesterday too :/ Boring ad with no booty shots is boring.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Same here. My ads have been pretty plain lately photogenically. I copy/paste when I can.

I finally got one up with attachments earlier this week, but it took over a dozen attempts to load 3 average-sized photos.
Lazrback's Avatar
I have been in contact with the Programmer and he is actively attempting to figure out what the f*ck went wrong,,,,

thanks for your patience....
It's not working for me either....
Still not working for me either.
It's still not working.It sucks.
MarandaMarie's Avatar
Over a month later and it still isn't working?