ok seen before and I think I started one one myself.
provider pics on showcases and ads can be sometimes a deciding factor to seeing a certain providers.
reviews, recommendations, comments too.
People don't like photo shopped or too professional, but also don't like phone pics sometimes. been told sometimes difficult to upload pics or vids on here and p411.
Don't use fake or old, but try to pics show as good as possible and real.
Public gatherings of hobbyists and providers can make a big difference in decisions. I've decided yes or no after seeing providers in person. Sometimes changing my mind from what I've seen on a showcase or ad.
Sometimes seeing their face or hearing their voice or talking with them making you interested or not. Met ATF's at socials, providers I've never thought of, introductions, reminders to a see provider I've seen in awhile.
I know providers who have told me their increased after attending one. Hobbyists who told me they were able to see a certain provider after talking to her at a social.
comments from hobbyists and providers ?