MSNBC - More Stupid Nutjobs Broadcasting Crap

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, sure. Could she be any more stupid?

h Host%20Blames%20Limbaugh%20Gin grich%20Santorum%20Rhetoric%20 For%20Trevon%20Martin%20Death

Hey COG, if you could, re-do the link. It will not come up with the cursor, and that is way too much to type in.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
This whole kerfuffle reminds me of the Duke lacrosse team "rape" story. The media was in a frenzy. They thought they finally had a white guy rapes black woman story. But it turned out to be bogus just like Tawana Brawley, and the French IMF guy (Dominque Stauss-Kahn) that was falsely accused of raping a black hotel maid.

Any time the media can make a black person look like a victim they run with the story before they get the facts straight. Then they correct the false story days later on page 23. Everyone remembers the false story and not the retraction.

If this story had been initially reported as Mexican-American shoots African-American it wouldn't have gotten very good ratings or sold many newspapers.
What was the name of the guy who alerted police about the bomb in Atlanta at the Olympics who then the FBI and media just destroyed for like 9 months then said "meh wasnt him".
joe bloe's Avatar
What was the name of the guy who alerted police about the bomb in Atlanta at the Olympics who then the FBI and media just destroyed for like 9 months then said "meh wasnt him". Originally Posted by Grifter

Richard Jewelle. He successfully sued NBC and CNN for libel.

Depending on how this case goes, Zimmerman may be suing somebody. Tom Sullivan (former cop) on Sirius XM radio said Zimmerman will probably not be convicted criminally since there are no witnesses; he'll just claim self defence. A civil case is anybody's guess. I think Eric Holder will definitely try to make a federal case out of it.
Does anybody have the intelligence or patience to listen to what the guest anchor ACTUALLY SAID instead of simply taking the Breitbart interpretation?

She listed those people as persons who helped to CONTINUE the same dialog that was prevalent when she was a child and saw it first hand along with other civil rights protesters. No wonder Fox "News" and Lush Bimbo so easily bend your minds! LMAO!

She did not BLAME them for causing his death but rather said they perpetuated the same stereotypical attitudes that still exist even after all these years!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stevie, to respond in a way you understand,

Does anybody have the intelligence or patience to listen to what the guest anchor ACTUALLY SAID instead of simply taking the Breitbart interpretation?

She listed those people as persons who helped to CONTINUE the same dialog that was prevalent when she was a child and saw it first hand along with other civil rights protesters. No wonder Fox "News" and Lush Bimbo so easily bend your minds! LMAO!

She did not BLAME them for causing his death but rather said they perpetuated the same stereotypical attitudes that still exist even after all these years!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-24-2012, 05:29 AM
Yeah, sure. Could she be any more stupid? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently you've had a relapse.
"When Mitt Romney says nothing at all, that's dangerous"

Really? Just by saying nothing at all Mitt's dangerous? Sounds Like a pretty high standard to say nothing of the misleading quotes taken out of context of the other gentlemen pilloried in her commentary.

Nah, no bias here at all. MSNBC just plays it straight down the middle.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Poor ol' Mitt, he's in quite a pickle. He's a social moderate, a classic "liberal Republican," whose major blind spot is his belief that unfettered capitalism is something other than what history has shown it to be. And, he's trying to make himself presentable to the TPers and other Republican primatives. No wonder he looks clueless and lost - talk about unfamiliar territory.

OH, Marshall - please return the control of COF's account back to him. COF, here's a scoop and a broom, start sweeping up Marshall's patties. There are only +/- 7200 of them.
Well, she does have "Democrat Strategist" listed as Her byline. Isn't that like having a running caption saying, "this woman is a moran"
pantsontheground's Avatar
This briebart dude retard!