An amusing analogy for America

I was at a private talk discussing the problem of a nuclear armed Iran, and the delicacies surrounding it's prevention.

She explained that Europe was terrified of how America would handle this. Europe looks at America like a Lab puppy in a crowded room: they get an idea that excites them, wagging their tail, obliviously knocking things over and annoying people around them. The enthusiasm makes everyone nervous, as they think decisions should be carefully thought over, and action taken in increments.

Whether true or not, I thought it was pretty funny.
Epic fail.

I think it's true to say that perhaps this might have been closer to the case with Blair and Bush around...I don't think anyone would argue that Tony Blair was anything less than GWB's bitch never mind lap dog. However, those times are gone..thankfully for everyone.
I know that the EU are heading the talks in December and of course the US are one of the big 5 involved in navigating the terrain they want to cover, but I think generally folks are happy over the pond with the set up. Is that because the EU are leading the talks? Maybe...but I think Europe is comfortable with US foreign policy as it relates to Iran at present so it's not quite the biggie (in terms of EU/US relations) that your co-worker seems to think

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  • 11-13-2010, 04:51 AM
but I think Europe is comfortable with US foreign policy as it relates to Iran at present so it's not quite the biggie (in terms of EU/US relations Originally Posted by Camille
a very complex topic. what is true is in terms of EU/US it's not quite the biggie at present.

what is also true is that the recent election effects the US foreign policy. (e.g. Russ Feingold unfortunately no longer in the Senate; and a new House in which extremists like Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Eric Cantor will have a stronger influence.)

But actually the situation in Central Asia is so fucked up that no one really has a good strategy.
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  • 11-13-2010, 06:16 AM
I was at a private talk discussing the problem of a nuclear armed Iran, and the delicacies surrounding it's prevention.

She explained that Europe was terrified of how America would handle this. Europe looks at America like a Lab puppy in a crowded room: they get an idea that excites them, wagging their tail, obliviously knocking things over and annoying people around them. The enthusiasm makes everyone nervous, as they think decisions should be carefully thought over, and action taken in increments.

Whether true or not, I thought it was pretty funny. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
If Europe is so scared of how we will handle things, maybe they should man up and start doing things for themselves and quit relying on the generosity of a Lab puppy. That goes for any Canadians too.

Furthermore ,Don't be fooled by the flawless hospitality of the Iranian gentleman in a Hookah lounge in LA.
If Europe is so scared of how we will handle things, maybe they should man up and start doing things for themselves and quit relying on the generosity of a Lab puppy. That goes for any Canadians too.

Furthermore ,Don't be fooled by the flawless hospitality of the Iranian gentleman in a Hookah lounge in LA. Originally Posted by WTF

Relax. I'm not sure how the US is supporting Canada - we do just fine. We do business with the US, but we aren't a charity case. Our army, though not large, is well trained. I've only heard American soldiers speak of the US/Canadian military relationship with fondness and appreciation.

Iranian people aren't inherently evil - their government is a disaster, but that doesn't mean I can't treat a kind Iranian man at a hookah lounge as a descent human being.

The peron making this comment was a US ambassador. I made no comment about my opinion of the US or the Iranian situation. Only the I heard a funny metaphor.

Frankly, my hope lies in Israel.
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  • 11-13-2010, 07:31 AM

Relax. I'm not sure how the US is supporting Canada - we do just fine. We do business with the US, but we aren't a charity case. Our army, though not large, is well trained. I've only heard American soldiers speak of the US/Canadian military relationship with fondness and appreciation.
Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
We police the whole world without taxing it properly for doing so. You and other western countries have had a free ride for decades.


Iranian people aren't inherently evil - their government is a disaster, but that doesn't mean I can't treat a kind Iranian man at a hookah lounge as a descent human being.
Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I said don't be fooled. Let him know that you prefer the Israelis to take care of that lil necular problem and see how he reacts.

The peron making this comment was a US ambassador. I made no comment about my opinion of the US or the Iranian situation. Only the I heard a funny metaphor. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
You thinking some stupid anology about this country being funny ... well that is a comment/opinion in and of itself. Sorry to point out that fact.


Frankly, my hope lies in Israel. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
We are Israel. Without our backing they are short lived. Why do you think they have their grips firmly around our politicians? It is for their own survival.

So the moral to the story is there is nothing wrong with being kind to an ignorant US ambassador and Irianian hookah lounge owners but realize that if your hope lies in Isreal then you are diametrically opposed to either of those folks views.
Clerkenwell's Avatar
If Europe is so scared of how we will handle things, maybe they should man up and start doing things for themselves and quit relying on the generosity of a Lab puppy. That goes for any Canadians too. Originally Posted by WTF
We can 'man up'. Plenty of that in Europe's past (and present). Plenty to ponder on whether it did any good.

Spending money on military assets is easy. Obtaining a political leadership in possession of even modest intelligence who might know why, where, when and how to use it is a trick the USA seems incapable of pulling off.

Just what is the attraction of being the big dumb idiot with all the military toys but not a clue how to use them effectively?
She explained that Europe was terrified of how America would handle this. Europe looks at America like a Lab puppy in a crowded room: ... Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Ah, clever words, for such a time as this, I shant say. But this is a bit like saying everyone in London has bad teeth, don't you think?
Clerkenwell's Avatar
We police the whole world without taxing it properly for doing so. You and other western countries have had a free ride for decades. Originally Posted by WTF
Utter drivel. Oh yeah, the USA 'taxes' the rest of the world. All those Eurodollars, all those deficits, all that exported monetary policy.
John Bull's Avatar
I think the Canadians have pulled their weight quite nicely in the past and continue to do what all countries do and that is to operate in their own best interest. Having said that, the snobby attitude of the Europeans is a mask for the knowledge of their own inferiority.
Clerkenwell's Avatar
I think the Canadians have pulled their weight quite nicely in the past and continue to do what all countries do and that is to operate in their own best interest. Having said that, the snobby attitude of the Europeans is a mask for the knowledge of their own inferiority. Originally Posted by John Bull
It's a quiet Saturday afternoon, so why not?

As an inferior European, clearly I'm unable to appreciate the full landscape of my and my fellow occupants of this benighted continent's inadequacies. Would you mind listing them so at least one handicap can be removed?

p.s. and the flag on your waistcoat is???
Clerkenwell's Avatar
I was at a private talk discussing the problem of a nuclear armed Iran, and the delicacies surrounding it's prevention.

She explained that Europe was terrified of how America would handle this. Europe looks at America like a Lab puppy in a crowded room: they get an idea that excites them, wagging their tail, obliviously knocking things over and annoying people around them. The enthusiasm makes everyone nervous, as they think decisions should be carefully thought over, and action taken in increments.

Whether true or not, I thought it was pretty funny. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Don't forget the lab puppy's tendency to piss on your floor. Nor its need for constant attention and approval.
John Bull's Avatar
Well someone mentioned the European love of incrementalism. How did that work out for you in the last 100 years?
Clerkenwell's Avatar
Well someone mentioned the European love of incrementalism. How did that work out for you in the last 100 years? Originally Posted by John Bull
Poor answer from a self-professed elitist. Is that what passes for the repartee of debate over there? Gosh.

Someone else may have mentioned incrementalism, I don't recall agreeing it as the ground for our discussion.

Indeed, it's a description of Europe with limited basis in fact given that 100 years ago we had (and this is a small selection of events from a turbulent century); extant Russian, German, British and Austro-Hungarian empires, all of which evaporated as the result of either / both WW I and WW II; no welfare states; Hitler and Mussolini were treats still in store; no votes for women; etc, etc...

I'm still waiting for that tutorial in our inadequacies. If that's the best you can do perhaps a new tutor should step forward.
ForumPoster's Avatar
We police the whole world without taxing it properly for doing so. You and other western countries have had a free ride for decades. . Originally Posted by WTF
Since we are using silly analogies ... lets say I take it upon myself to do sobriety check on all major highways in the city and enlist help of few well armed friends to do that. Noone asked me to do that, noone gave me the right to do that, but I am doing it for the greater good of fellow drivers. And if someone thinks I have no right to impose this greater good ... well too bad for them.

Should I impose sobriety check point tax on unduly harrassed drivers?
