These Students got it right.......

wellendowed1911's Avatar
This is actually in response to the thread: Well there's another poll or rather mock election that students have been conducting and only have been wrong twice:

Students choose Obama in Scholastic mock election
By Donna Krache, CNN

(CNN) The votes are in – among kids – and Barack Obama has "won" a second term as president.

Every four years, Scholastic Classroom Magazines conducts its presidential mock election for students. The Scholastic Student Vote launched its first contest in the presidential election of 1940. The students have been wrong only twice: In 1948, they picked Thomas E. Dewey over Harry S Truman, and in 1960, they “elected” Richard M. Nixon over John F. Kennedy.

The results of this year’s election: Barack Obama – 51%, Mitt Romney – 45%. “Other” candidates (who gathered 4%) included write-ins like John McCain, Paul Ryan, Ron Paul and Hillary Clinton.

And, of course, write-ins included some votes for “my mom” and “my dad.”

Students around the U.S. voted using paper ballots in Scholastic Magazine as well as online. The vote is not a scientific poll, but it is intended to be a classroom exercise in civics.

“The students have made their voices heard once again, and it proved to be a tight race,” said Elliott Rebhun, editor and publisher, Scholastic’s Social Studies Classroom Magazines. “The Scholastic Student Vote shows us that students are engaged and excited about the election, and has provided classroom teachers with a tool to bring current events to life and teach students about our country’s democratic process.”

Nearly 250,000 students nationwide from elementary grades through high school participated in this year’s mock election, which began on August 15 and ended on October 10.

This goes to show that students who are future are smarter than you dumbwits like Joe Bloe, IB Hankerking, Choom Czar, Lexus Lover, Kayla- whom I really believe isn't smarter than the avg 4th grader and COG(although he is on record saying Obama will get re-elected).

So in 72 years or 18 elections- the students were right 16 of those 18 times or 89% of the time and I think they got it right again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good Lord, Underendowed. This is what you got? Well, enjoy it.

I still think Obama will be re-elected, but this is not a reliable indicator.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Good Lord, Underendowed. This is what you got? Well, enjoy it.

I still think Obama will be re-elected, but this is not a reliable indicator. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OldFart I would trust with these students says over any of your bogus threads- I bet these students would have NEVER even suggested that Rick Perry stood a chance.

OldFart of course these poll are not scientific by any means- but one key factor is that these students tend to vote in this "mock" election based on who they parents are pulling for- so looks like a lot of these kids have parents pulling for Obama.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just remember, Underendowed. I predicted Rick Perry would be the nominee. I also predicted the Yankees would win the World Series. And I also predicted Obama would win in a landslide.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just remember, Underendowed. I predicted Rick Perry would be the nominee. I also predicted the Yankees would win the World Series. And I also predicted Obama would win in a landslide. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Quote me where you said it will be a landslide??? Even I would have called you an idiot had you said Obama will win in a landslide- again the popular votes will be close, but I feel Obama will win enough of or rather key swing states to win via electoral college votes. You have always said probably/maybe etc- but you don't know shit about politics nor sports- I live in Texas and on day 1 told you that Rock Perry doesn't have a snow balls chance- I still have my bet(only budman was brave accept) but come 11-6-2012 about 11pm CST- you will be saying WE you were right all this time.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, if Obama is re-elected, I'll be saying I was right. You say he will be re-elected because that is what you desperately want. I'm saying he will be re-elected because too many people are dependent on government. Dependent people are dependable voters.

Obama in no way should be re-elected. But he will be, because that is the natural course a democracy takes. Democracy always devolves to tyranny.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
No, if Obama is re-elected, I'll be saying I was right. You say he will be re-elected because that is what you desperately want. I'm saying he will be re-elected because too many people are dependent on government. Dependent people are dependable voters.

Obama in no way should be re-elected. But he will be, because that is the natural course a democracy takes. Democracy always devolves to tyranny. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So I assume you believe Romney's 47% remark? If so you are an old piece of shit. I believe Obama should be re-elected based on 3 main factors-
#1 he inherited a fucking train wreck that would have taken 4 years so fix- no matter who was in office- Did Reagan fix his mess in 4 years? Fuck No!! He still had high UE in 1984.- do you really think if McCain had won that UE would be been back to 4 or 5%
#2- Congress and their refusal to pass anything-i.e 7% approval rating lowest in history.
#3- Mitt is just not the guy- he and Ryan have radical plans that will benefit only the very wealthy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I seem to recall a multitude of stories about teachers pushing Obama on the children, ridiculing children with Romney shirts, putting on little shows for Obama. Congradulations, you're children are now brainwashed. We just have to wait for three weeks. My question... what will Michelle (Omarosa) have to say after she finds out she has to move and the only person she can boss around is Barry?