General Flynn American Traitor

themystic's Avatar
Judge Sullivan, highly touted by the right wing Trump fanatics, said to Michael "Redcoat" Flynn- and I quote, "I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," " You sold out your country"

The Judge got to read the redacted parts. Flynn deserves to go to prison even though he has snitched out everyone

"That undermines everything this flag over here stands for," the judge said. "Arguably you sold your country out."
Sullivan told Flynn that if he did not accept an offer to postpone his ongoing sentencing hearing, "I cannot assure you that if you proceed today, you will not receive a sentence of incarceration."

Make America great Again my fucking ass. Flynn and Trump are Traitors, plain and simple
Please tell us how you define a traitor. I do not think Trump fits the bill for traitor when he is trying to improve America for us all.

As for Flynn, I do not know what he has done.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
flynn's not a traiter. but what he did was improper and that was failing to report that he was working as an agent for Turkey before his Trump employment.
Flynn decided to cash in on his status as. Retired 3- Star General. He is no different than the thousands of other high ranking Government Officials who do exactly the same thing.

The problem arose when he failed to report it.

How serious is this. Well, the Special Prosecutor is willing to let him, more ore less, go free if he tells him bad stories about President Trump. So I doubt the crime is that egregious.

It is odd how the Special Prosecutor is so willing to cut deals with anybody in order to get The President. The President is probably the only one in Washington who HASN'T committed a crime.

That is, unless you consider getting more Electoral Votes than Hillary is a crime.
themystic's Avatar
Flynn decided to cash in on his status as. Retired 3- Star General. He is no different than the thousands of other high ranking Government Officials who do exactly the same thing.

The problem arose when he failed to report it.

How serious is this. Well, the Special Prosecutor is willing to let him, more ore less, go free if he tells him bad stories about President Trump. So I doubt the crime is that egregious.

It is odd how the Special Prosecutor is so willing to cut deals with anybody in order to get The President. The President is probably the only one in Washington who HASN'T committed a crime.

That is, unless you consider getting more Electoral Votes than Hillary is a crime. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just a few months ago you and half this forum were talking about how this Judge was going to throw this case out. Most 3 star generals cash in by working for foreign governments while they are employed by the US government? Can you name one? You say their are thousands, how about naming ten instead
themystic's Avatar
Please tell us how you define a traitor. I do not think Trump fits the bill for traitor when he is trying to improve America for us all.

As for Flynn, I do not know what he has done. Originally Posted by friendly fred
The dictionary : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty

Trump puts himself above all other interests and is a chronic liar. He is a puppet to autocrats all over the world. That is not an opinion
The dictionary : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty

Trump puts himself above all other interests and is a chronic liar. He is a puppet to autocrats all over the world. That is not an opinion Originally Posted by themystic
OK - perhaps I should have asked the question more clearly - what law has Trump broken that makes him a traitor?

Paying off pornstars who are blackmailing you isn't being a traitor.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-28-2018, 02:35 PM
Flynn decided to cash in on his status as. Retired 3- Star General. He is no different than the thousands of other high ranking Government Officials who do exactly the same. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The problem was not reporting it, and worse, doing so while on the NSC. The conflict of interest issue, deciding national security policy while being a foreign agent, is the problem.

Trump had a lot of good military options to pick from. Flynn wasn'tone of them.
^^^^^ I agree ^^^^^
I B Hankering's Avatar
Judge Sullivan, highly touted by the right wing Trump fanatics, said to Michael "Redcoat" Flynn- and I quote, "I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," " You sold out your country"

The Judge got to read the redacted parts. Flynn deserves to go to prison even though he has snitched out everyone

"That undermines everything this flag over here stands for," the judge said. "Arguably you sold your country out."
Sullivan told Flynn that if he did not accept an offer to postpone his ongoing sentencing hearing, "I cannot assure you that if you proceed today, you will not receive a sentence of incarceration."

Make America great Again my fucking ass. Flynn and Trump are Traitors, plain and simple
Originally Posted by themystic

You left out the part where the judge had to eat his words and walk back his statements.

The problem was not reporting it, and worse, doing so while on the NSC. The conflict of interest issue, deciding national security policy while being a foreign agent, is the problem.

Trump had a lot of good military options to pick from. Flynn wasn'tone of them.
Originally Posted by Old-T
It was in all of the major papers that Team Mueller reported before the judge that Flynn had ended his work as a foreign agent before he was appointed National Security Advisor.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
regarding Flynn's guilty plea does not make sense, given what we know of what happened there.

in-spite of the exposure of obvious FBI protocol violations, the only thing that makes sense of this is that Flynn is being blackmailed along with his lawyer to say he's guilty in order to keep his son out of jail.
bamscram's Avatar
If everyone on team Trump was innocent, why did they lie?
  • grean
  • 12-29-2018, 04:12 PM
You left out the part where the judge had to eat his words and walk back his statements.

It was in all of the major papers that Team Mueller reported before the judge that Flynn had ended his work as a foreign agent before he was appointed National Security Advisor. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Treason is the only crime defined in the constitution. A federal judge should be able to recite it by memory. The framers made an incredibly high bar to prove treason.

Flynn definitely did NOT commit treason. The federal judge was just grandstanding and like most who do, made himself look foolish and gave the defense a HUGE help in any appeal they seek.