How can I refer a provider?
I know a provider needs to be referred, but I don't see where I can do that on the site. I would like to refer a young lady new to the area that I have visited.
If you mean that you would like to vouch for her to attain Verified Provider status, make sure that she has an Eccie account. Ask her to PM one of the local Mods from her account to request VP status. Then, you can send a PM to the same Mod vouching for her and explaining how you know her, whether you have had a session with her, etc.
A vouch sometimes is sufficient if you are a well-known and established Eccie member. If there is any concern, the Mod may require that she have one or more reviews (on any major provider website) before approving. P411 status is also helpful as is a provider website.
I hope that answers your question.
Yes it does. Thanks lots!