2 of my threads have been closed

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
listen if you can't debate with your mind then don't enter I say or type things to open then mind. I type this way to make people think harder.
Omahan's Avatar
Cheaper, neither thread was closed because of anything you posted. Both had pretty long runs and then began to stray further and further from the topic and more and more into personalities. The civil discussion seemed to be over and the personal attacks were taking over. The key to keeping threads open is keep to the topic - attack the arguments and opinions but not the person posting. Unfortunately, the person opening the thread cannot keep people on target no matter how good his intentions.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 04-23-2010, 07:46 AM
Ditto to what Omahan said. Unfortunately some people can't stick to the topic and/or can't discuss sensitive topics without making it personal. This is the main reason I very rarely discuss religion or politics with anyone. When people are passionate about something some of them feel that if you disagree you are either an idiot....and they tell you so, or you are attacking them.

We don't like closing threads. We like suspending/banning people even less.
dirty dog's Avatar
No problem cheaper, I will make sure to stay away from your posts.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Dirty you are free to speak any time as you recall I have step in any time someone has cross the line after you express your self. Thanks mods for doing your thing. I must say the Obama thread went alot longer than I thought, we have some good chaps with a wide range of views.