Firing Offense at CB

  • rcusa
  • 11-21-2024, 10:52 AM
This is not an encounter report, but just a report on an occurrence at Chicas Bonitas which seemed odd.
A dancer -- fairly old, compared to her coworkers -- got fired the other night, for kissing a customer stage-side. According to that customer, she'd given him a BJ in the dance box earlier, and no one in management had considered that out of bounds. But the relatively tame, closed-mouthed kiss from the stage was strictly verboten, and she was booted without even being allowed to finish her other two stages.
The management at CB seems unpredictable. Sometimes, it's an unrestrained sexfest, and other times the light shines in the dance box to prevent any activity. Stage dancers can have customers rub their nipples and clits, but apparently can't peck a customer's lips.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
IN the late 90s, a girl was fired from Caligula 21 for giving BJs in the men's room. She was tipping the attendant; he got fired, too. Things have changed since then.
phmzee's Avatar
She pissed them off on something else. Yeap a lot have changed over the years. Caligula 21 burned down! There was a Hispanic dude that danced there for awhile at 21. Nice body and bolt on but still a dude! Co worker found that out in the parking lot one night getting a BJ LOL
Texxan52's Avatar
Ahhh Caligula 21. I loved that club. Spent many afternoons there.