changing your handle ?

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Thinking about changing my handle ... got one in mind already but wanted some opinions on the subject from both the guys and girls
It doesn't matter. You are still YOU.

** What's in a name? that which we call a rose
** By any other name would smell as sweet;
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
shakespeare, my dear, you steal my heart
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Guess it depends on why ya wanna change it,
mirandalee's Avatar
Guess in a way its a good change
SofaKingFun's Avatar
NJ, I thinck that would depend on a) the reason for the handle change and b) what the new handle actually is; the impact on a provider's business.

(and this in no way is implicating you, or this as being the reason)
If the handle change was done as an attempt to hide from past transgressions, then I don't believe the change would do any good. If the reason was simply done as an attempt to re-invent oneself, or simply because a provider's handle wasn't very well thought-out,...something like a 4:30am drunck all night bender where they chose something like; JizzBisquit, then yeah, it probably wouldn't hurt to start again from scratch.

However, if the new handle isn't any more appealing than the existing one --like changing it to TS Ralph, or something, heh!-- then it's probably not going to be in one's best interest to make the change.

**one other thing to consider; make sure that the new handle is going to be "Search Friendly". AnD PlEaSe, Do NoT UsE ThOsE CrAzY AzZ sYmBoLs ThAt ThEy UsE On BaCkPaGe BeCaUsE ThEy'Re As AnNoYiNg As ThIs KiNd Of CrAp.

Good luck!




dwl318's Avatar
Does it really matter? As long as your clients or soon to be clients know who you were and who you are about to be list as.
Changing a name/handle doesn't change who you are. Sammy the Bull changed his name and he was still a snake.
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 06-04-2012, 09:29 AM
It shouldn't matter at all. It may help business for a bit as you will be seen as a new provider to some. But before long your previous reputation will over ride the newness. You will do well under any new name girl! ;-)
wheels69's Avatar
chage is a good thing long as long as you tell your clients know who you are
  • Laz
  • 06-04-2012, 10:02 AM
In the long run it will only matter to you. If you do a good job of letting your clients know the new name it should not hurt your business. I have dealt with this in my business. The key is communicating with your customer base. Do that well and you will be fine under either name.
golfnwine's Avatar
If you change your handle any old reviews under your old handle will be difficult to find, unless you don't want them found.
Searching the new handle will bring no results for old reviews.
levi tab's Avatar
If you change your handle any old reviews under your old handle will be difficult to find, unless you don't want them found.
Searching the new handle will bring no results for old reviews. Originally Posted by golfnwine
I think if the Provider changes her handle, the reviews should still be attached to the Provider's Profile. If the Provider starts up a brand new handle and Guests or Disables the old one then no reviews will be attached to the new handle.
FootLong's Avatar
My only problem with it is that sometimes a guy calls up a "new" provider and it turns out to be someone he has seen before, or worse - someone he did not want to see.

So if you are not changing it for security reasons, should be no reason not to tell folks who you were before. Then it's all good.
My only problem with it is that sometimes a guy calls up a "new" provider and it turns out to be someone he has seen before, or worse - someone he did not want to see.
Great point!!