Pepper Springfield-NSNC

rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 06-05-2012, 04:45 PM
We made two phone contacts on the day before, plus one text confirmation from her. Called her five times within the appointment time with no answer. Three days later, still haven't heard from her. Just another flake. Out-of-towners beware. She's a waste of time.
black5uperman's Avatar
not really a alert
Marcus78's Avatar
I'm sorry if you got stood-up, (she's one of the best with her TCB skills too) but I think the Mods have made it pretty clear this kind of stuff goes in the Coed section and not the alerts section.
She didn't do it on purpose. I know her personally. She had a huge emergency and hasn't contacted anyone lately. I hope she's ok. And Pepper is no flake. But all local SA men know that.
Sorry rp for your inconvenience...just hope everything's ok with her!
Marcus78's Avatar
She didn't do it on purpose. I know her personally. She had a huge emergency and hasn't contacted anyone lately. I hope she's ok. And Pepper is no flake. But all local SA men know that.
Yup! She has great TCB and BCD skills. That's why we all love her! She's never stood me up, and always provided very adequate advance notice (like a full day's worth) the one time we had to reschedule in the past. I hope her emergency is nothing too serious, and she gets back up and running again soon.
  • Laz
  • 06-05-2012, 07:40 PM
I know it is frustrating and a pain but sometimes shit happens. She deserves the assumption that it was not deliberate. I am sure if you tried to contact her politely she would respond. (Please do not infer that I think you were rude from that because I have no idea. I just have seen some of the crap the ladies get sometimes.)
rp ==> familiarize yourself with the rules as mentioned above.....

.....and as you are reading from many others ===> that is definitely NOT her way for taking care of business. Either something occured and she could not contact you; or something happened that caused her decide not to see you and simply cease communication.
flanker6's Avatar
agree with malaya, pepper is one of the best.
Pepper, hope you are ok.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
We made two phone contacts on the day before, plus one text confirmation from her. Originally Posted by rp
If she was planning on standing you up, I don't think she would have wasted her time with so much communication the day before... Do you?
Don't be so quick to jump to extreme assumptions and assasinate.
Ok dude, don't get your panties in a wad. Shit does happen, you are more than welcome to see my fuckin dwi papers. I just got home a couple hrs ago from jail. So will u cut me some slack or what? If I have to cancel Im very good about letting people know, but obviously I couldn't call you from jail. So there, if you must know, that's what happened.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-05-2012, 08:40 PM
An NCNS is not an alert.

Moved to the proper forum.
Marcus78's Avatar
Yikes girl! Best of luck with the DWI Pepper. It's a pain in the ass offense to traverse, but you'll get through it, I'm sure. Get yourself a good attorney, and take it one step at a time, and you'll get through it.
And I really would like to know what number u texted from because I don't have any messages where I had an appt with some one with the handle rp. Did u use p411 or just text me so that I didn't know it was you? I do recall you trying to set up appts with me in the past from your handle, but I didn't feel comfortable seeing you after reading your pms. Something just made me think we might not click. So I guess things happen for a reason.
Thanks Marcus. Ok well, gotta go get my car now. :S