This may actually help LubedWide & SkidMark

The only thing that would help those two are better headwounds.
I'm glad she quit eating her little sister...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar Originally Posted by canuckeight
this woman is a complete libtard idiot who has been brainwashed into her beliefs. Der Fuhrer ... um .. Emperor ..ah .. President Trump isn't any such threat as this libtard and her "Lenny's" ..
as her demented followers like to call themselves .. want to claim he is. well too bad. listen up u little lenny's .. real men grab 'em by the pussy! it's how you'll know the guy isn't gay.


did i mention this chick is butt ugly?

The Reckoning 2017... Look out Omaha!
LexusLover's Avatar
did i mention this chick is butt ugly? [/IMG] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No tits and fat arms are bad sign ...

... usually means no space between the thighs from the knees up!
Maybe if Trump gets re-elected she can make it down to her target weight ..... looks like she's got about 75 pounds to go .....
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe if Trump gets re-elected she can make it down to her target weight ..... looks like she's got about 75 pounds to go ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
If she jumps on the bandwagon to support his effort to keep terrorists from sneaking into the country, she may make it to the next election without being served up to the newest band of infiltrating dipshits as another "morsel" for their feast on humanity!

But she thinks: "It won't happen to me!"
Where the hell are the MODs? It's amazing how the MODS don't issue points- you can look it up in the PDR- Obesity is a medical illness and to have people on here constantly mock my weight is doing nothing but exploiting a medical condition. Could a mOD explain to me either via pm or on this thread why points are not being issued for talking and exposing someone's medical condition? This is no laughing matter there are young boys and girls who are bullied and teased because of their weight and many face tough challenges.
But you know what I am not surprised, afterall these are the same idiots who voted for a President who mocked disabled man.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
yeah wasn't that Biden that told the man in the wheel chair to stand up.
You libtards got memories as short as your fat little fingers.
Where the hell are the MODs? It's amazing how the MODS don't issue points- you can look it up in the PDR- Obesity is a medical illness and to have people on here constantly mock my weight is doing nothing but exploiting a medical condition. Could a mOD explain to me either via pm or on this thread why points are not being issued for talking and exposing someone's medical condition? This is no laughing matter there are young boys and girls who are bullied and teased because of their weight and many face tough challenges.
But you know what I am not surprised, afterall these are the same idiots who voted for a President who mocked disabled man. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Maybe cut back on
this woman is a complete libtard idiot who has been brainwashed into her beliefs. Der Fuhrer ... um .. Emperor ..ah .. President Trump isn't any such threat as this libtard and her "Lenny's" ..
as her demented followers like to call themselves .. want to claim he is. well too bad. listen up u little lenny's .. real men grab 'em by the pussy! it's how you'll know the guy isn't gay.


did i mention this chick is butt ugly?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's the problem with this pasty faced fucking liberal, she's not getting fucked. I'd fuck her so hard those tits would grow and she would tell all the Obamazombies to go take a swan dive off of a tall building, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
Where the hell are the MODs? It's amazing how the MODS don't issue points- you can look it up in the PDR- Obesity is a medical illness and to have people on here constantly mock my weight is doing nothing but exploiting a medical condition. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Typical Liberal bullshit. You want to use your fat condition to seek "sympathy" and portray yourself as some sort of "national hero" with your fictitious bullshit about your "war wound" to the fat head of yours ... and then you blubber when it's thrown back into your fat face!

Post #83 ."My Sincere Apology" thread. 07-28-2016, 04:16 PM

Valued Poster

"Secondly, do you have any clue of what "disabled" veteran encompasses? It doesn't mean I am in a wheelchair or missing a leg. I do have slight battles of PTSS and have awful migraines as a result of shrapnel which was removed a few inches from my brain.
Compare with the following subsequent bullshit

Valued Poster

post #21 " Biden claims Trump unfit to carry nuclear codes" thread. 08-16-2016, 07:08 PM

"For anyone who wants to know when I was defending this country I love I had several shrapnel pierce my skull and lodge into parts of my brain. One of the areas it struct was the hypothalamus area which caused to gain a lot of weight. Two years ago I was at 425 lbs and today I am proud to say I hovering around the 280 lbs Mark and steadfastly losing the weight based on my strict diet.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-09-2017, 09:29 AM
Where the hell are the MODs? It's amazing how the MODS don't issue points- you can look it up in the PDR- Obesity is a medical illness and to have people on here constantly mock my weight is doing nothing but exploiting a medical condition. Could a mOD explain to me either via pm or on this thread why points are not being issued for talking and exposing someone's medical condition? This is no laughing matter there are young boys and girls who are bullied and teased because of their weight and many face tough challenges.
But you know what I am not surprised, afterall these are the same idiots who voted for a President who mocked disabled man. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Originally Posted by R.M.
You nailed that RM fat ass will go ballistic