Chicago 2-13-17

TheDaliLama's Avatar
They've been 400+ shootings so far this year in Chicago.

That's worse than Vietnam.
They've been 400+ shootings so far this year in Chicago.

That's worse than Vietnam. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Ya, and get this one. I met a Libtard yesterday that said it was the states surrounding IL fault because they have lax guy laws. True story.
If only they had a black President to look up to.

If only they had a black President to look up to.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
One that was a Community Organizer from Chicago too. That would be the ultimate combo.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Didn't the community organizer train the current mayor?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy chit.

Glad I'm not in Chicago.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Holy chit.

Glad I'm not in Chicago.

{} Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You'd be low hanging fruit just about everywhere
I'm waiting for Mayor Rahm to bail on the Obama Thing and start buddying up to President Trump.

He would tell The President......" hey, I never bought into all of that hope and change horse shit. And that Hag Hillary, fuck her. I just needed a power base. But this Chicago gig is a real ball buster. Help me out".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm waiting for Mayor Rahm to bail on the Obama Thing and start buddying up to President Trump.

He would tell The President......" hey, I never bought into all of that hope and change horse shit. And that Hag Hillary, fuck her. I just needed a power base. But this Chicago gig is a real ball buster. Help me out". Originally Posted by Jackie S
and if he kisses der fuhrer's papal ring in public and signs his blood oath .. in blood .. Trump will help him out making Chicago great again.
  • DSK
  • 02-13-2017, 08:28 PM
Holy chit.

Glad I'm not in Chicago.

{} Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are they tossing other faggots off the rooftops?
Holy chit.

Glad I'm not in Chicago.

{} Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You should be glad. You wouldn't last a week.

Are they tossing other faggots off the rooftops? Originally Posted by DSK
They just might be. But assup is worried about having competition for " tossing salads " if he were to go there.
JCM800's Avatar
Go Cubs?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm waiting for Mayor Rahm to bail on the Obama Thing and start buddying up to President Trump.

He would tell The President......" hey, I never bought into all of that hope and change horse shit. And that Hag Hillary, fuck her. I just needed a power base. But this Chicago gig is a real ball buster. Help me out". Originally Posted by Jackie S
he's already said that dems need to grow a pair and move on. I think he is annoyed that they are still crying over the election results.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Holy chit.

Glad I'm not in Chicago.

{} Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you belong in chicago, that toddlin little town.

excuse me, that toddling murdering town.