Curious ?

StandinStraight's Avatar
We have fun and like to joke around a lot but if you can be honest for a minute when Trump resigns or is impeached would you guys be comfortable with Mike Pence as president? He seems very dorky and his personality is opposite of Trump! Don't take this wrong but you guys like Trump so much I think you would line up to blow him. Would you be just as eager with Pence? Just curious!
We have fun and like to joke around a lot but if you can be honest for a minute when Trump resigns or is impeached would you guys be comfortable with Mike Pence as president? He seems very dorky and his personality is opposite of Trump! Don't take this wrong but you guys like Trump so much I think you would line up to blow him. Would you be just as eager with Pence? Just curious! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
its not going to happen snowflake of stupid
We have fun and like to joke around a lot but if you can be honest for a minute when Trump resigns or is impeached would you guys be comfortable with Mike Pence as president? He seems very dorky and his personality is opposite of Trump! Don't take this wrong but you guys like Trump so much I think you would line up to blow him. Would you be just as eager with Pence? Just curious! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

My biggest fear, is some Liberal that has a few less screws loose than most, will think that he will be loved and put up on a pedestal by others of the same persuasion not unlike how John Wilkes Booth thought the Confederates would adore him but after the fact, found there were not many who wanted to take him in.
That being said, onto your query. First Trump is not a man that will step down, he is a man that when he sets his sites on accomplishing something, he does it. come hell or high water, he will trudge on. I dare say, that for some crazy reason, I think he might even enjoy all of the hullabaloo.

As far as Pence I believe he has helped Trump in the procedural BS aka navigating DC, but I also believe Trump has made him a more assertive gentleman in getting things done, even though the Media and DC is trying to slow his process down in anyway they can, by the use of negative hyperbole aka LIES. Mr Pence might be a more subdued, but should something happen, I do believe, he will rise to the occasion and get things done. After all, he has been around DC long enough to recognize all the hatred of left for the right.
BigLouie's Avatar
Pence is a down the line Republican. The Republicans in Congress would love to have him. It works be their wet dream
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
did i mention HildeWhore isn't president? and won't be .. EVER?

have a nice day snowflakes
We have fun and like to joke around a lot but if you can be honest for a minute when Trump resigns or is impeached would you guys be comfortable with Mike Pence as president? He seems very dorky and his personality is opposite of Trump! Don't take this wrong but you guys like Trump so much I think you would line up to blow him. Would you be just as eager with Pence? Just curious! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If your curious, you should ask your handler Yassup if you too can suck cock at the glory hole. Instead of him hogging all the loads.
We have fun and like to joke around a lot but if you can be honest for a minute when Trump resigns or is impeached would you guys be comfortable with Mike Pence as president? He seems very dorky and his personality is opposite of Trump! Don't take this wrong but you guys like Trump so much I think you would line up to blow him. Would you be just as eager with Pence? Just curious! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
the single greatest thing about trump is, he does not cower or back down from the left and its attendant news media

unlike the normal run of the mill republican who, when assaulted by the news media day after day with the fake news generated by democrat minions, worry and grow mum

he doesn't

so trump resign? what, are you stupid?

you don't have to answer that
Don't take this wrong, guys, but I think I would enjoy blowing Trump and putting it on U-Tube for the world to see. What can I say?...guess I'm just a bi-curious bed-wetter, that's all! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
FTFY, you moron.
We have fun and like to joke around a lot but if you can be honest for a minute when Trump resigns or is impeached would you guys be comfortable with Mike Pence as president? He seems very dorky and his personality is opposite of Trump! Don't take this wrong but you guys like Trump so much I think you would line up to blow him. Would you be just as eager with Pence? Just curious! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Mike Pence as president? He would be alright. But Trump isn't going anywhere so quit jerking off.

LexusLover's Avatar
I guess numbnutz wants the Speaker of the House as POTUS!!!!!

If pigs had wings, StuandingInShit could fly!
rexdutchman's Avatar
CLUE ,Trump resigns or is impeached NOT going to happen , Pence stands tall. CLUE libertards didn't win
StandinStraight's Avatar
Mike Pence as president? He would be alright. But Trump isn't going anywhere so quit jerking off.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If it turns out Trump is working with Russia then Republicans will turn against him, his choice will be to resign or be removed and it would happen fast. You can't have Russian operatives leading the country! I would think that even the most loyal of his lap dogs would agree with this!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
If....... Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Hahahahahahaahaaaa! If...

Dimturds are counting on "ifs" now. If this happens and if that happens

There it is, used to believing their own lies & rhetoric....the yesterday of "WHEN" (as in "when Hillary wins"...) has morphed into delusional, fictional ifs.

Just remember, moron...If the queen had balls, she'd be King.
