Whose into Gaming here?

Been a long time nerd and gamer for ever since I can remember. NES and Atari were my childhood. Now, really into PC and considering a PS4 or Xbox1. What is everyone into or have been into the past?? Would love to see what everyone is playing or have played!!
No, I have a life...
Well, lots of people game. Some just choose not to. Understandable. Not going to start a debate on it...just wanting to know what people are into...I know there are some out there other than myself.
You may want to check this thread:

Unofficial ECCIE Sandbox Video Game Thread

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No, I have a life... Originally Posted by ExNYer
You mean crying on the board and calling anyone who disagrees with you a "tranny fucker" constitutes having a life?
Personally I enjoy civ V, Rift, and of course the oldies such as black and white and black and white 2. Generally I prefer PC games but I have a PS3 (want a PS4) I also have a xbox360, wii (really really want the wii u) Nintendo (yes the old one). Come to think of it, it would be a monologue if I listed all of my gaming consoles!
You mean crying on the board and calling anyone who disagrees with you a "tranny fucker" constitutes having a life? Originally Posted by zerodahero
Oooooh, did I hit a soft spot, tranny fuckee?
No ExNyer you are looking into a mirror
JCM800's Avatar
Played a shitload of Tecmo Super Bowl back in the day.

ExNYer, zerodahero:

This is the Sandbox, not the Political Forum. Keep it civil in here.
Wakeup's Avatar
Currently putting my XBox One through its Titanfall paces...
No ExNyer you are looking into a mirror Originally Posted by zerodahero

See you in the Political forum.
I have two xbox 360s, a playstation 2, a playstation, a ps4, two nintendo 3ds, a gameboy and a saga
Love my Xbox one! Bought my kid a PS4 but he plays on my Xbox more than his PS. Graphics are awesome on both, guess it just depends on the games your into.