Happy Birthday BorderCrosser!!

Happy Birthday Arn!!
I wanted to get you something you could use forever...
But, you already have one of those! (lol) Hope You Enjoy Your Day!

Us In 10 Years...lol!!

BorderCrosser's Avatar
Great Pic!!!

Thanks for the well wishes, lets get together and celebrate with a drink!!!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Happy B-Day BorderCrosser smiles...
Sounds good to me!

Sonya...don't tell him I said this...but he's been practicing on his "wee" just for you!!
Jet Carson's Avatar
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday BorderCrosser, Hope you have a great day!
blaktygre's Avatar
happy birthday there young guy!! have a great day!!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Sounds good to me!

Sonya...don't tell him I said this...but he's been practicing on his "wee" just for you!! Originally Posted by Likinikki

hehe WEE!
Happy birthday may you avoid a major hangover....
Happy Birthday have fun with likinikki!!

Drink one for ME
If anyone's interested...I'm taking him out tonight (if he EVER wakes up...LOL) to ring in another darn wrinkle...you're welcome to meet up with us.

PM me if interested...Remember: only those who have attended a social may join us. AND, I KNOW WHO ATTENDS...AND WHO DOESN'T!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Happy Birthday BorderCrosser!

BorderCrosser, I can still remember when you weren't so disturbingly old....seems like only yesterday man.

I still haven't decided why I can't come to your party.... but I can't.
I hope it doesn't fuckin' suck and that you're able to get something up on ya'. Heh!.

But seriously my friend, all the best.

... and since you're gonna' be out with that little Asian misfit, you crazy kids misbehave and drink irresponsibly.

Make Ex-Uncle Cousin SKF proud.

SofaKingFun's Avatar
If anyone's interested...I'm taking him out tonight (if he EVER wakes up...LOL) ... Originally Posted by Likinikki
Let him sleep Nikkisan. He needs his nap.

Here's a picture of my idol, Hugh Hefner, 9:00PM, celebrating his 83rd Birthday.

BC's what, 76 now? Shhh. Vewwy Qwiet...

FootLong's Avatar
Since SpursFan hasn't chimed in, I'm gonna say it: Happy Happy Joy Joy!
SpursFan's Avatar
Hey now FL,

Ya stole my thunder so, Happy Xmas and Merry New year to BorderCrosser.