Powder Room = Inaccessible unless blessed by partial judges?

I'm a little perplexed as to why my admission to the powder room was revoked on the grounds of not having enough posts. I am a well established and relatively well known provider in my area, I have never shown behavior unbecoming of candidates for access to the powder room, and I meet all relevant requirements of the admitance guide lines other than the number of posts I've made.

*You MUST be an active provider to be admitted to the Powder room.
You MUST be a member in good standing to be admitted to the Powder Room.
You MUST have a Showcase with at least one picture and a completed Bio to be admitted to the Powder Room
You MUST have established an online presence at ECCIE to be admitted to the Powder Room. (In general, this means that you must have been a member of ECCIE for a year or more, or have accumulated 250+ posts since joining.)*

This seems to be a needless, irrational, and prejudicial bylaw that allows a select few elitist to deny access without merit. In an industry such as this, one would think the powder room would value quality over quantity. Simply because I don't feel the need to post on every thread, or reply with empty, meaningless, and boring banter does not imply that I am not worthy of access. As a matter of fact, it reflects an under-developed and poorly thought out admittance process.

I feel that if used properly, the powder room can be a great tool for keeping myself and others safe and building bridges with other local providers. I find it absurd that my request for access that has taken many weeks to even gain a response was so blatenly rejected with a generic, unhelpful, and redundant email.

What I'm trying to convey here is that I or anyone could easily make it a point to pump up post numbers by typing out whatever nonsense and gibberish comes to mind. I'm asking moderators and staff to take the obvious flaws in your system into consideration and shift your regulations accordingly.
Rival's Avatar
  • Rival
  • 01-07-2012, 08:49 PM
The girl makes some damn good points.
I second this fact being brought up. I was denied access after certain factors being changed when i had it from the get go before. Please explain this
obvious flaws in your system. DGR you should run for public office, I'd vote for you.
You do have valid points Rosy. Contact Lea, she is very good at helping the ladies solve any problems we have. Hope you can get it sorted out.
I'm not a MOD, but if I can ever be of any help, please ask!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Hang in there Rosy.
I say just keep posting here in this thread, both you and Mina until you have 250. My guess is you could get to 250 in less than an hour.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Sorry, guys... I will have to explain what is happening with the PowderRoom by PMing Rosy and Mina and Nicolet. It's a girl thing! If there are any other ladies who would like an explanation, let me know.

Rosy, Mina and Nicolet, I will send a PM tomorrow.

The girl makes some damn good points. Originally Posted by Rival
Thank you berry much.

obvious flaws in your system. DGR you should run for public office, I'd vote for you. Originally Posted by ashwednesday666
Ehh, I'm known to be naughty..But nowhere near corrupt enough for politics m'dear
The girl makes some damn good points. Originally Posted by Rival
You do have valid points Rosy. Contact Lea, she is very good at helping the ladies solve any problems we have. Hope you can get it sorted out.
I'm not a MOD, but if I can ever be of any help, please ask! Originally Posted by Nicolet
Thank you very much, I'm yet to have any real problem thank goodness. I really just feel that the girls working near each other can really benefit from having a place to openly exchange info.
Sorry, guys... I will have to explain what is happening with the PowderRoom by PMing Rosy and Mina and Nicolet. It's a girl thing! If there are any other ladies who would like an explanation, let me know.

Rosy, Mina and Nicolet, I will send a PM tomorrow.

Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Lea, thank you for the PM; It did indeed clear up a lot. I want to be sure you and the other female mods understand that this post was not a direct attack on any of you, and I apologize if I came off as hostile. I understand the need for security provisions and am more than willing to cooperate in any way needed. Maybe consider admission based on the substance of posts instead of shear numbers?
I say just keep posting here in this thread, both you and Mina until you have 250. My guess is you could get to 250 in less than an hour. Originally Posted by BassCat
Heh, not such a bad idea really. I suppose I can go in and respond to all the threads.. Post agree/disagree.. I dunno, I guess not saying anything unless it's worth the breath doesn't apply to online forums.
Sorry for the multi-quote Rival, I couldn't figure out how to make it go away for a moment there lol
DallasRain's Avatar
can I get an pm too Miss Lea{thanks}
Miss39402's Avatar
I would like a PM also, Miss Lea. I've never applied before, and never knew it was complicated. I did plan to at one point. Thank you so much in advance!