Just Wondering...

alisha's Avatar
It's been a while BUT... I was wondering if there is any interest in having another MNG?? The last one was a BLAST!!!! Anyone??
biomed1's Avatar
It has been mentioned; BUT with all the "Hub-Bub" up there in the "Hub City", I'm not sure the timing is right.

Most folks are recovering from the Holidays.

PLUS you have to incorporate the security (screening, location, etc.) that is needed to conduct a M&G SAFELY; and have it be a success, could/would be very difficult at this time.

Several have mentioned reticence to attend a M&G.

If I'm wrong, "Mea culpe!"

Be Careful & Enjoy!

Rival's Avatar
  • Rival
  • 01-09-2012, 12:08 AM
I would love to attend a M&G.
Count me in for one finally!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Several have mentioned reticence to attend a M&G. Originally Posted by biomed1
And some of us are just asocial, and don't attend any sort of social event on general principle. (Shit, I've found it nearly impossible to visit this forum regularly in the past month-and-a-half; don't ask me to go anywhere, especially in another state. Except to see a provider; I'll cross several state lines for the right provider.)

If I'm wrong, "Mea culpe!" Originally Posted by biomed1
You are obviously not a pre-Vatican II Catholic.

That's "mea culpa".

You're welcome.


bcg (born and raised pre-Vatican II Catholic, and took four years of Latin in HS, too! )
gdan55's Avatar
Hey A., Me too, M-N-G would be great, or another( U-ME-LIL) ha, what ya think!!!!!!!!!gdan
I think maybe in the next few months one may be in order, but right now, not so much
When is the last time we had a Jackson meet and greet it has been almost two years hasn't it
When is the last time we had a Jackson meet and greet it has been almost two years hasn't it Originally Posted by curtdog
Definitely time for another M&G in Jackson.
I'm up for one in Jackson, Hattiesburg or Coast. Coast is best for me since I'm here during the week. I'm sure I can make it to Hattiesburg during the week. I wouldn't complain about going home to Jackson during the week either! Count me in.
I'll help organize when the time comes if I can. Maybe around March?
tracerxxx's Avatar
I'm ready...... and will help in any way I can......
alisha's Avatar
Not in Hburg.. lol too Damn small.. coast or Jackson.. and whenever is good the next couple months would be good for recovering from holidays and planning. Would ne nice to see some friendly faces.
DallasRain's Avatar
a casino on the coast would be cool!
I definetly need to see u again in Jackson Kim and would like to meet some of the other lovely ladies too I got to have a nice talk with Dallas at the last Jackson meet and greet but she hasnt been back since
elcid180's Avatar
I understand the small town thought but some of us are on a choke chain and cannot get tot he coast of Jackson. Will abide by the majority voice