
Would anyone be interested in a mature, fun, energetic, and very wet playmate?
Let me know, and I will come to Hattiesburg!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Would anyone be interested in a mature, fun, energetic, and very wet playmate? Originally Posted by Nicolet
I am, but we can't seem to get enough interest in you up this far north.

Oh well; gotta make my way south sometime.


Help me stir the pot a bit up yonder!
I'll be coming to Hattiesburg around the 16th. Come and get wet with me!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I've been with Nicolet, and you will get wet. BIG SMILE
I am glad that someone comes to HBurg....Its such a good place for the hobby and providers....can not understand the lack of interest....I know the players are there but the providers are a hit and miss thing...perhaps of the hit and miss attitude of the players..................HBurg used to be a fine environment for both.....Captain Blade says it................
DallasRain's Avatar
I would love to visit again but can't get any prebooks!

Have fun Nic!!!
In all honesty, I do need to have some prebookings. I don't know enough about Hattiesburg to take the chance of eating the cost of a hotel for what could be nothing. So gentlemen of Hattiesburg, please let me know if you would like to to visit for a couple of days.
The deal with the burg, is there are a lot of men up there, but most of my friends i have met come more off of backpage than eccie or anywhere else. Lots are only able to do at thr last minute but they also have references. U have to stick ur feet in so to speak. Lots of dorks up tjere to but then again they are everywhere
Thanks Mina!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Lots of dorks up tjere to but then again they are everywhere Originally Posted by Mina Parker
And many of us dorks are proud of it!


bcg (I resemble that remark )
I hope I am not in the dork category!
  • Coupe
  • 02-13-2012, 04:12 PM
Lots of dorks up tjere to but then again they are everywhere Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Hey, I resemble that remark!
Ok maybe I should have said jackasses instead of dorks because in actuality, dorks in my book are fun
Dork, dork, dork LOL