If Hillary Wins The Debates She Wins The Presidency

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm not saying it's a given but it's hers to lose since she has the slight advantage going in. I will explain.

Trumpie skated through the primary debates largely because it was a crowded field of candidates with approximately 30 seconds each to respond to non agenda questions. It was all bullshit type questions during the primaries. They talked about dick sizes, who had ugly spouses, who tried to hit their mother in the head with a hammer, etc etc.

Now during the general election debates Trump will be faced with a reality like no other. This moron will not have a teleprompter during the debates, he will not have 30 secs to say some bullshit and then move on, instead he will have a 1-3 minutes to expound on a question and to date he has not done that. To date he's either had only 30 seconds to answer or question or he's had a teleprompter. Now the dynamics change. Hilary should be like a big cat on the prowl looking to bite the back of his fucking neck off.

Now he will be forced to elaborate on topics and issues; something Hilary has proven she is very good at but something Donald Trump cannot do. He will be completely out of his element and comfort zone because he's seriously not smart enough to talk about issues without a teleprompter. This time he will not be allowed to pivot there wont be 18 other people on stage and this muthafucker will get exposed for the utter idiot and scatter brains that he is.

If Hilary doesn't use her wealth and breath of experience during these debates I will be extremely disappointed. Right now it's time to build up expectation for Trump during these debates so that he doesn't win by virtue of low expectations. I fully expect Hilary to wipe the floor with this clown who skated through the primaries without answering and single serious question and giving a single commander in chief type response to anything.

I hope Hilary nails his ass.
bambino's Avatar
If she can stand upright long enough. And it's Hillary with 2 L's Sap Sucker.
  • DSK
  • 09-20-2016, 04:16 PM
I'm not saying it's a given but it's hers to lose since she has the slight advantage going in. I will explain.

Trumpie skated through the primary debates largely because it was a crowded field of candidates with approximately 30 seconds each to respond to non agenda questions. It was all bullshit type questions during the primaries. They talked about dick sizes, who had ugly spouses, who tried to hit their mother in the head with a hammer, etc etc.

Now during the general election debates Trump will be faced with a reality like no other. This moron will not have a teleprompter during the debates, he will not have 30 secs to say some bullshit and then move on, instead he will have a 1-3 minutes to expound on a question and to date he has not done that. To date he's either had only 30 seconds to answer or question or he's had a teleprompter. Now the dynamics change. Hilary should be like a big cat on the prowl looking to bite the back of his fucking neck off.

Now he will be forced to elaborate on topics and issues; something Hilary has proven she is very good at but something Donald Trump cannot do. He will be completely out of his element and comfort zone because he's seriously not smart enough to talk about issues without a teleprompter. This time he will not be allowed to pivot there wont be 18 other people on stage and this muthafucker will get exposed for the utter idiot and scatter brains that he is.

If Hilary doesn't use her wealth and breath of experience during these debates I will be extremely disappointed. Right now it's time to build up expectation for Trump during these debates so that he doesn't win by virtue of low expectations. I fully expect Hilary to wipe the floor with this clown who skated through the primaries without answering and single serious question and giving a single commander in chief type response to anything.

I hope Hilary nails his ass. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Well, we will see if you are right, won't we?
I'm not saying it's a given but it's hers to lose since she has the slight advantage going in. I will explain.

Trumpie skated through the primary debates largely because it was a crowded field of candidates with approximately 30 seconds each to respond to non agenda questions. It was all bullshit type questions during the primaries. They talked about dick sizes, who had ugly spouses, who tried to hit their mother in the head with a hammer, etc etc.

Now during the general election debates Trump will be faced with a reality like no other. This moron will not have a teleprompter during the debates, he will not have 30 secs to say some bullshit and then move on, instead he will have a 1-3 minutes to expound on a question and to date he has not done that. To date he's either had only 30 seconds to answer or question or he's had a teleprompter. Now the dynamics change. Hilary should be like a big cat on the prowl looking to bite the back of his fucking neck off.

Now he will be forced to elaborate on topics and issues; something Hilary has proven she is very good at but something Donald Trump cannot do. He will be completely out of his element and comfort zone because he's seriously not smart enough to talk about issues without a teleprompter. This time he will not be allowed to pivot there wont be 18 other people on stage and this muthafucker will get exposed for the utter idiot and scatter brains that he is.

If Hilary doesn't use her wealth and breath of experience during these debates I will be extremely disappointed. Right now it's time to build up expectation for Trump during these debates so that he doesn't win by virtue of low expectations. I fully expect Hilary to wipe the floor with this clown who skated through the primaries without answering and single serious question and giving a single commander in chief type response to anything.

I hope Hilary nails his ass. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Only 7 more weeks until the election and you disappear, you festering carbuncle.

As of this post, you have 1087 posts in 83 days. Over 13 per day. What a pathetic life you lead, Mr. Progressive.
Sistine is correct I expect Clinton to win all 3 debates - she did very well against Obama in the primaries in 2008. She also has tons of more debate experience and over all knowledge than Trump.
Trump doesn't have great debate skills and his temperament tantrums and rude insults won't work. Remember you have to look Presidential - take a look at Trumps speech in Mexico he was acting "Predidential" but he looked uncomfortable and way out place - his norm is to be loud and insulting and that only works in primary. I have a clean sweep for Hillary mark my words.

Any clue when we will see those taxes he undoubtedly is hiding something - one of facebooks founders put up 5 million for trump to donate to a charity of his choice if he release his taxes before the first debate.
Speaking of charities nice to know trump used charity money to pay for a portrait and to pay off law settlements - what a crook
bambino's Avatar
Sistine is correct I expect Clinton to win all 3 debates - she did very well against Obama in the primaries in 2008. She also has tons of more debate experience and over all knowledge than Trump.
Trump doesn't have great debate skills and his temperament tantrums and rude insults won't work. Remember you have to look Presidential - take a look at Trumps speech in Mexico he was acting "Predidential" but he looked uncomfortable and way out place - his norm is to be loud and insulting and that only works in primary. I have a clean sweep for Hillary mark my words.

Any clue when we will see those taxes he undoubtedly is hiding something - one of facebooks founders put up 5 million for trump to donate to a charity of his choice if he release his taxes before the first debate.
Speaking of charities nice to know trump used charity money to pay for a portrait and to pay off law settlements - what a crook Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Go fuck yourself you pathetic POS. You said you were leaving, so leave.
Go fuck yourself you pathetic POS. You said you were leaving, so leave. Originally Posted by bambino
I am waiting for the mods to deactivate my account you punk. You are on here pretending to be Italian - you are a pathetic scum bag
I wonder who will play "Candy Crowley" in this sideshow?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I expect Hillary to freeze up publicly in one debate and her support drops by 10% overnight. Trump wins in a landslide with close to 350 electoral votes. Otherwise, Trump wins with 285 electoral votes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I expect Hillary to freeze up publicly in one debate and her support drops by 10% overnight. Trump wins in a landslide with close to 350 electoral votes. Otherwise, Trump wins with 285 electoral votes. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let's bet on that JDrunk.
Let's bet on that JDrunk. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I will take that bet also - no way trump wins this election
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary doesn't have the stamina for the debates. She can't stand for that long. The debates are going to be stacked in her favor, however. The "independent" debate commission has donated to the Hillary campaign exclusively, the members, that is. Not one of them have donated to Trump, Johnson or Stein. So, like everything Hillary does, it's rigged. But I think Trump is going to soundly defeat her, regardless of the bias.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am waiting for the mods to deactivate my account you punk. You are on here pretending to be Italian - you are a pathetic scum bag Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Have you submitted the request to them yet?

Don't you know that request must be in quadruplicate carbons?
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not saying it's a given but it's hers to lose since she has the slight advantage going in. I will explain.

I hope Hilary nails his ass. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Of course, you will be the one deciding if she won, right?

Or will you wait until the HiLLary media calls the winner?
bambino's Avatar
I am waiting for the mods to deactivate my account you punk. You are on here pretending to be Italian - you are a pathetic scum bag Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You would be a pathetic punk. People on this board know me personally, I'm not lying, like you do.