Three people dead in Cascade Mall shooting in Burlington

I B Hankering's Avatar
These wayward 1st and 2nd generation "immigrant" progeny are going to get Trump elected.

Three people dead in Cascade Mall shooting in Burlington

A shooter killed three women at Cascade Mall in Burlington Friday night, according to Washington State Patrol.

One woman has non-life threatening injuries and one man has life-threatening injuries. The man has been transported to Harborview Medical Center....

The suspect is a Hispanic man wearing a black shirt.

(K5 NBC)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
SPAM Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You would be the resident expert in possession of a small package of pale flacid, meat, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
bambino's Avatar
You would be the resident expert in possession of a small package of pale flacid, meat, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
RM dubbed Asswipe "Princess Tiny Meat". Must be a topic in the ladies room.
Body count is up to five......
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How do you say Allah Ackbar in Spanish?

How do we know this guy is Hispanic? The news told us so? Did he speak? Does anyone know him?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2016, 01:31 PM
It is another unfortunate tragedy. That part we should all agree on.

And though I know people will be shocked, I think IB has two things right on this post:

1. This, and all the similar actions, benefit Trump's campaign.

2. He is absolutely correct that it is not enough to keep refugees and immigrants out, we need to cleanse the blood and exile several generations of their descendants because this whole melting pot idea is seriously flawed. Unfortunately IB stops at two generations because that is as far back as he can count--but it isn't enough! To make sure we cleanse America of the germs we need to take a little more complete measures. I would guess expelling back 30 generations should probably do it. Yes, only if you have a grandparent who used a sweat lodge on what is now American soil should you be allowed to remain. Send back those intolerant Puritans and Jesuits. Expel those impoverished Irish, Italians, and Jews. Back to basics: Fighting For Homeland Security Since 1492!!!

IB, you got it right this time--I expect you to be the lead spokesman for this from now on. Go get 'em!
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is another unfortunate tragedy. That part we should all agree on.

And though I know people will be shocked, I think IB has two things right on this post:

1. This, and all the similar actions, benefit Trump's campaign.

2. He is absolutely correct that it is not enough to keep refugees and immigrants out, we need to cleanse the blood and exile several generations of their descendants because this whole melting pot idea is seriously flawed. Unfortunately IB stops at two generations because that is as far back as he can count--but it isn't enough! To make sure we cleanse America of the germs we need to take a little more complete measures. I would guess expelling back 30 generations should probably do it. Yes, only if you have a grandparent who used a sweat lodge on what is now American soil should you be allowed to remain. Send back those intolerant Puritans and Jesuits. Expel those impoverished Irish, Italians, and Jews. Back to basics: Fighting For Homeland Security Since 1492!!!

IB, you got it right this time--I expect you to be the lead spokesman for this from now on. Go get 'em!
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're stupid drunk, Old-THUMPER. Powhattan had it within his power to exterminate the Jamestown colony at will, but he didn't you supercilious jackass, because he benefitted from the trade goods the English gave him and his people.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2016, 01:56 PM
You're stupid drunk, Old-THUMPER. Powhattan had it within his power to exterminate the Jamestown colony at will, but he didn't you supercilious jackass, because he benefitted from the trade goods the English gave him and his people. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
While true, that has nothing to do with the the point--YOUR original point!

Yes, he COULD have erased the colony, but he did not realize the dangerous effect of new ideas about religion, legalistic processes, and greed. Or maybe it was the Rotten Liberals in his tribe? Or the Crony Capitalists of the tribe who are to blame? Personally I think it was the RWWs among his advisers.

Whatever it was, because of your enlightened vision we now know better, and must expunge generations worth of the taint.

You aren't backpedaling again, are you? YOU were the one suggesting that we expel actual US citizens if their grandparents were immigrants. Are you saying you didn't really mean that? NO!!!!! Oh Great Enlightened Leader, say it isn't so!!!!

Or is it that you want to go back one less generation than YOUR lineage. That's probably what you meant.
I B Hankering's Avatar
While true, that has nothing to do with the the point--YOUR original point!

Yes, he COULD have erased the colony, but he did not realize the dangerous effect of new ideas about religion, legalistic processes, and greed. Or maybe it was the Rotten Liberals in his tribe? Or the Crony Capitalists of the tribe who are to blame? Personally I think it was the RWWs among his advisers.

Whatever it was, because of your enlightened vision we now know better, and must expunge generations worth of the taint.

You aren't backpedaling again, are you? YOU were the one suggesting that we expel actual US citizens if their grandparents were immigrants. Are you saying you didn't really mean that? NO!!!!! Oh Great Enlightened Leader, say it isn't so!!!!

Or is it that you want to go back one less generation than YOUR lineage. That's probably what you meant.
Originally Posted by Old-T
It was your drunkingly inane post that was being addressed, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2016, 02:13 PM
You claim you addressed my post, but you didn't.

I want to know why you now have flip-flopped on your call to expel generations of American citizens? (as you did)
I B Hankering's Avatar
You claim you addressed my post, but you didn't.

I want to know why you now have flip-flopped on your call to expel generations of American citizens? (as you did)
Originally Posted by Old-T
Did you or did you not hijack the thread to the European discovery of and settlement in the New World, Old-THUMPER? Yes, your-lying-drunk-ass did, Old-THUMPER; hence, your post was addressed and its premise was refuted.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is another unfortunate tragedy. That part we should all agree on.

And though I know people will be shocked, I think IB has two things right on this post:

1. This, and all the similar actions, benefit Trump's campaign.

2. He is absolutely correct that it is not enough to keep refugees and immigrants out, we need to cleanse the blood and exile several generations of their descendants because this whole melting pot idea is seriously flawed. Unfortunately IB stops at two generations because that is as far back as he can count--but it isn't enough! To make sure we cleanse America of the germs we need to take a little more complete measures. I would guess expelling back 30 generations should probably do it. Yes, only if you have a grandparent who used a sweat lodge on what is now American soil should you be allowed to remain. Send back those intolerant Puritans and Jesuits. Expel those impoverished Irish, Italians, and Jews. Back to basics: Fighting For Homeland Security Since 1492!!!

IB, you got it right this time--I expect you to be the lead spokesman for this from now on. Go get 'em!
Originally Posted by Old-T
Do you use the Jeffersonian defnition of generation or are you free lancing?

I mean if we go back say 100 generations that will really thin out the heard. I guess everyone will eventually go back to Africa or the Euphrates valley and kill off who happens to be there now. Not like anyone of importance is using either one right now.

My counter offer is that since (according to the left) the US is responsible for all the bad things in the world, that anyone who can trace their ancestry to before the US existed (and that means 1781 or thereabouts) can stay as you are blameless. Anyone who came after the current adoption of the Constitution (and therefore the country) is guilty as sin and should go home. I'm good, how about you?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2016, 04:11 PM
Did you or did you not hijack the thread to the European discovery of and settlement in the New World, Old-THUMPER? Yes, your-lying-drunk-ass did, Old-THUMPER; hence, your post was addressed and its premise was refuted. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, you obtuce dolt. YOU brought up the topic of expelling retroactively several generations of families. YOU did. I didn't change the topic, I just discussed HOW MANY generations. That is not hijacking, as you often do, it is merely a refinement of the quantity (of generations). I know that must be a very difficult concept for someone like you who struggles to differentiate "one" from "two".