Some comments from a couple dinners this week

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2016, 08:44 AM
This week was the annual Air Force Association convention. Lots of speeches, lots of industry booths, and lots of government, former government, and contractors in attendance. I had the good fortune of being invited to a couple of the informal dinner outings that occur every evening. The folks generally pick overpriced steak houses, but that is the price of hearing some interesting conversations. These are the 10-12 person get together, often at someone’s house so they can talk more freely.

I already suspect that a few of the radical fringe on here will find reasons to discredit and info that doesn’t come from their favorite mouthpieces, but I never thought my responsibility was to feed their delusions. These are not necessarily my opinions, but data points of a segment of public opinion in a very odd election.

--For it being less than two months out from election day there was a serious lack of support for either candidate. That is quite telling since usually at this time most people have made up their minds, and most are firmly Republican

--There is a very clear feeling that Trump will be better for the defense companies. There was a lot of wishful hoping—but not expecting—that Bill Clinton could somehow convince Hillary to moderate her likely butchering of defense spending. She is seen as a lunatic who has zero understanding about the military or foreign realities (threats)—worse than that, her ego she won’t let her appoint anyone but a yes-man as her SECDEF. They are very worried that it will be completely up to congress to avoid the DoD budget becoming castrated (not my phrase). But, even though these are many of the people who benefit from Congressional pork, they essentially believe Congress for the most part does not take their responsibility seriously and has sold out TOO MUCH to their constituents.

--There is a HUGE fear factor that even though Trump might appoint a reasonable defense adviser, he will blow up at the wrong time in the wrong audience and is far more likely to start a war because his ego and temper got in the way, ignoring his advisers. Several who have had personal and business dealings with Trump acknowledged that is very much his business persona, and believe that Trump truly sees no difference between the business world and the international politics world.

--One thought that came up more than once: it is a long shot, but it is clear that a lot of people are grasping at straws now, looking for any option that doesn’t seem as bad as the likely ones. Clinton wins, and becomes ill enough to have to resign (most believe she has medical issues far worse than what she wants to come out) and Tim Kane becomes president. There was not a lot of belief that Kane is a stellar choice, but a lot of belief that he is a better option than either of the ticket leads. To be honest, there were some follow on comments that Pence would also be a significant improvement over Trump or Clinton, but as with Kane, not a lot of enthusiasm—they just don’t see Trump’s health as an issue.

OK, piranha, start feeding.
  • DSK
  • 09-25-2016, 08:55 AM
This week was the annual Air Force Association convention. Lots of speeches, lots of industry booths, and lots of government, former government, and contractors in attendance. I had the good fortune of being invited to a couple of the informal dinner outings that occur every evening. The folks generally pick overpriced steak houses, but that is the price of hearing some interesting conversations. These are the 10-12 person get together, often at someone’s house so they can talk more freely.

I already suspect that a few of the radical fringe on here will find reasons to discredit and info that doesn’t come from their favorite mouthpieces, but I never thought my responsibility was to feed their delusions. These are not necessarily my opinions, but data points of a segment of public opinion in a very odd election.

--For it being less than two months out from election day there was a serious lack of support for either candidate. That is quite telling since usually at this time most people have made up their minds, and most are firmly Republican

--There is a very clear feeling that Trump will be better for the defense companies. There was a lot of wishful hoping—but not expecting—that Bill Clinton could somehow convince Hillary to moderate her likely butchering of defense spending. She is seen as a lunatic who has zero understanding about the military or foreign realities (threats)—worse than that, her ego she won’t let her appoint anyone but a yes-man as her SECDEF. They are very worried that it will be completely up to congress to avoid the DoD budget becoming castrated (not my phrase). But, even though these are many of the people who benefit from Congressional pork, they essentially believe Congress for the most part does not take their responsibility seriously and has sold out TOO MUCH to their constituents.

--There is a HUGE fear factor that even though Trump might appoint a reasonable defense adviser, he will blow up at the wrong time in the wrong audience and is far more likely to start a war because his ego and temper got in the way, ignoring his advisers. Several who have had personal and business dealings with Trump acknowledged that is very much his business persona, and believe that Trump truly sees no difference between the business world and the international politics world.

--One thought that came up more than once: it is a long shot, but it is clear that a lot of people are grasping at straws now, looking for any option that doesn’t seem as bad as the likely ones. Clinton wins, and becomes ill enough to have to resign (most believe she has medical issues far worse than what she wants to come out) and Tim Kane becomes president. There was not a lot of belief that Kane is a stellar choice, but a lot of belief that he is a better option than either of the ticket leads. To be honest, there were some follow on comments that Pence would also be a significant improvement over Trump or Clinton, but as with Kane, not a lot of enthusiasm—they just don’t see Trump’s health as an issue.

OK, piranha, start feeding.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I get the same feeling from many of the people I interact with that there is no enthusiasm for either candidate. I am surprised they feel Hillary would cut defense spending, though. Does her congressional record reflect that?

Also, I think Mr. Trump could provide better cover for the anti-Hillary vote by looking as Presidential as possible. It isn't his nature to change himself, though, so hopefully he will not only act right but prove he can listen to and accept wise counsel.
Tim Kaine not(Kane) is a mooslem loving communist!

Donald J Trump2016 is the only answer!

Monday, September 12, 2016
Tim Kaine: Muslim Brotherhood Ties, Communist Groupie, And Grifter

Presumptive Democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton with her choice for vice-president Tim Kaine.

Now that there's a fair amount of noise about Mrs. Clinton being forced to drop out of the race (remember just a short time ago when her campaign was threatening the media not to make an issue out of her health?)there's been some speculation about Tim Kaine, her running mate taking over the top slot.

He's escaped much scrutiny thus far, so let's take a look at him, shall we? it isn't a pretty sight, believe me.

First of all, when you do some research, you find out that Kaine was quite the Sandinista groupie at one time and has publicly never regretted it. The reverse, in fact.

Even Pravda on the Hudson presented a sanitized version of Kaine's
life transforming "mission" trip to Latin America in 1980. What this story leaves out, of course, is Kaine's wholesale embrace of the Sandinistas and radical 'liberation theology', something even Pope Francis has disavowed.

What it was, of course, was a Soviet disinformation plan to use radical elements to infiltrate the Catholic Church and bring Catholic Latin American countries under the Soviet thumb. The highest ranking Soviet defector, General Ion Pacepa has openly admitted that he participated in this.

Liberation theology became a big deal among certain Jesuits, some of whom were actually expelled from Latin American countries after being arrested for fomenting communist revolution and for gunrunning. This happened while Kaine was on his mission, and one extremely radical American-born Jesuit who was actually expelled from the order was Father Jim Carney. That's the priest Pravda-on-the-Hudson tells us Kaine sought out as his mentor, without, of course, much info on who Father Carney actually was.

Carney was a full-blown communist apparatchnik. In 1983, Carney was part of a 96-man unit that invaded Honduras to violently export the Sandinista Communist 'revolution'* there too, using Cuban and Nicaraguan trained guerillas led by Jose Reyes Mata, one of the murderous Che Guevara's officers n Bolivia.

Honduran troops fortunately intercepted the communist guerrillas,and Reyes Mata was captured and killed, along with Carney. Kaine wrote publicly at that time, blaming America his death. The idea of the Sandinistas brutalizing and enslaving the Honduran people as they had in Nicaragua didn't bother him one bit. He was, as they say, a true believer.

And he still is. Today, his mentor in Liberation theology is someone who most people consider Carney's successor, Father Melo, who favors Soviet-style collectivism and land distribution.

Then, there's Tim Kaine's Muslim Brotherhood ties.

As governor of Virginia, Kaine appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission, spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist suspect and took donations from well-known Islamist groups.

In 2007, Governor Kaine appointed Dr. Esam Omeish, the president of the Muslim American Society (MAS), one of the Muslim Brotherhood's front groups here in America.

Omeish also served for two years on the national board of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which the Justice Department also labeled as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, which was basically a money laundering scam for Hamas. Omeish would be in jail if it wasn't for President Obama and former attorney general Eric Holder.

Kaine was forced to fire him, but only after heavy pressure from Virginia delegates and the press when online videos of Omeish surfaced showing him accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians and exhorting Muslims to “the jihad way.”

This is by no means Kaine's only tie to Islamists. In September 2011, Kaine spoke at a “Candidates Night” dinner organized by the New Dominion PAC that presented a Lifetime Achievement Award for Jamal Barzinji, a prominent figure in America's Muslim Brotherhood who almost was prosecuted for material aid to terrorism until the Obama Administration let him off the hook like Omeish and the other Islamists.

Barzinji has played a major role in nearly every Brotherhood front in the U.S. and was vice president of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), which is a name my readers might recognize. Barzinji's group was closely allied to Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative Sami Al-Arian who was convicted by the Bush Administration under the RICO statutes for conspiracy to commit aid to terrorism among other things.

Barzinji's IIIT also donated money to Kaine's campaign, giving him $10,000 in 2011 via the New Dominion PAC, the organization that held the event honoring Barzinji that Kaine spoke at. The Barzinji-tied New Dominion PAC also donated $43,050 to Kaine’s gubernatorial campaign.

This PAC has very strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Democratic Party in Virginia, and gave Kaine and others almost $257,000 in donations. Barzinji’s grandson served in Governor McAuliffe’s administration before becoming the Obama Administration’s liaison to the Muslim-American community.

Another $4,300 donated to Kaine’s Senate campaign in 2011-2012 came from officials of the aforementioned Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Another $3,500 came from Hisham Al-Talib, a leader from Barzinji’s IIIT organization.

This likely explains why Tim Kaine was a leader in trying to dis-invite Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu from speaking to a joint session of Congress in March of 2015 and boycotted the speech like a lot of other Democrats when he was unsuccessful. it's about what you can expect when a politician cheerfully takes money from Islamist groups and appoints a Hamas ally to a high state position.

Finally, we get to Tim Kaine's real qualification as Hillary's Mini-Me, his appetite for using his position to feather his nest.

As Lieutenant Governor and Governor, Kaine reportedly “took advantage of the state’s lax gift laws to receive,” among other things, “an $18,000 Caribbean vacation, $5,500 in clothes and a trip to watch George Mason University play in the NCAA basketball Final Four during his years as lieutenant governor and governor.” The report found that Kaine “reported more than $160,000 in gifts from 2001 to 2009, mostly for travel to and from political events and conferences.”

This is the same sort of thing Republican governor Bob McDonnell was indicted form but Kaine apparently was able to use his connections to skate on.

So now you know a lot about who Tim Kaine is. It's easy to see why Clinton picked him...but the political rationale, that he can carry Virginia for her is something he may not be able to swing. He's not particularly well thought of in a lot of circles there, even with Northern Virginia loaded with fellow Democrat feeders at the Obama Administration's trough in DC.

I'll finish up by saying that there's very little chance of Mrs. Clinton dropping out of the race if she's still breathing. Her presidency has already been sold at lucrative prices to numerous donors foreign and domestic who expect favorable treatment on the come for their Clinton Foundation donations, speaking gigs for her disreputable husband and campaign contributions.

If she loses, that's one thing. It's an investment that didn't come off. But if she drops out, they're going to be knocking on the Clinton's door wanting their money back and the interaction is going to get extremely unpleasant when they find out she can't give the money back, either because it's already been spent or because it's locked up in the Foundation. She has to continue.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that is a very informative report.

didn't know Kaine had ties to muzzzies and commies.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think Kaine is an extreme lightweight and chosen for that reason. I also think that Hillary is more likely to start a war between her lack understanding (contempt) of the military and her political desire to make her bones.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

OK, piranha, start feeding.
Originally Posted by Old-T
piranhas? not enough red meat.

I see only goldfish & guppies feeding here.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2016, 11:08 AM
piranhas? not enough red meat.

I see only goldfish & guppies feeding here.

LOL! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Bravo, sir!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2016, 03:38 PM
I think Kaine is an extreme lightweight and chosen for that reason.

I also think that Hillary is more likely to start a war between her lack understanding (contempt) of the military and her political desire to make her bones. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If she gets elected, I don't really know that she will have a lot of new ideas of things to pursue. I expect her to focus on domestic things, and the military will suffer (very significantly) by her cutting, cutting, and cutting some more to advance her other agendas.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If she gets elected, I don't really know that she will have a lot of new ideas of things to pursue. I expect her to focus on domestic things, and the military will suffer (very significantly) by her cutting, cutting, and cutting some more to advance her other agendas. Originally Posted by Old-T
The biggest fear, out of many, for me if Hillary gets elected is what she is going to do to the Court. I can see hate speech being outlawed, opposition press being outlawed, churches being forced to participate in actions they don't approve of, and other attacks on freedom. Not to mention her propensity to set fees for her supporting certain issues and foreign policy decisions.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I had the awesome privilege to venture into East Texas this past weekend where I got to listen to the current political thought process of the Democrats that ALWAYS pull the straight Democrat ticket in every election including one where a ethnic slur was running for President, ethnic slur in that area is common language and not my words. I never start the conversation and seldom interject my own opinions in order to get the real feel of where they are at on certain positions.

I was very surprised, shocked actually, that all said they would not pull the straight ticket as there was no way in hell they were voting for Hillary because she is evil. Their words, not mine. They also said there was no way they would vote for Trump which was what I expected. Some even said they would not vote at all this election. These are people that vote in the election of the local dog catcher.

This will be a most interesting election where there will be people that have never voted out voting and people that have always voted staying home. It makes me wonder if the status of Blue or Red states will hold true as in pst elections. I am sure there will not be much change in most of the states but it will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.

Looks like to me that there will be a lot of people sitting at home, a lot of people voting against a candidate rather than for a candidate.

It is a shame that this is what our nation has come to over the past 8 years.
bambino's Avatar
I had the awesome privilege to venture into East Texas this past weekend where I got to listen to the current political thought process of the Democrats that ALWAYS pull the straight Democrat ticket in every election including one where a ethnic slur was running for President, ethnic slur in that area is common language and not my words. I never start the conversation and seldom interject my own opinions in order to get the real feel of where they are at on certain positions.

I was very surprised, shocked actually, that all said they would not pull the straight ticket as there was no way in hell they were voting for Hillary because she is evil. Their words, not mine. They also said there was no way they would vote for Trump which was what I expected. Some even said they would not vote at all this election. These are people that vote in the election of the local dog catcher.

This will be a most interesting election where there will be people that have never voted out voting and people that have always voted staying home. It makes me wonder if the status of Blue or Red states will hold true as in pst elections. I am sure there will not be much change in most of the states but it will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.

Looks like to me that there will be a lot of people sitting at home, a lot of people voting against a candidate rather than for a candidate.

It is a shame that this is what our nation has come to over the past 8 years. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I'm guessing Trump will have more enthusiastic voters on his side. It's a change election. He's building support among Republicans, up to 90%. I think he wins. And as Asswipe says, it won't be that close.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF are you talkin' bout?

Kane is a badass!

This is probably as serious a response as this discussion -- and all discussions in this intellectually challenged forum -- deserve.

Oh wait! Isn't Drumpf also a wrestler?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I had the awesome privilege to venture into East Texas this past weekend where I got to listen to the current political thought process of the Democrats that ALWAYS pull the straight Democrat ticket in every election including one where a ethnic slur was running for President, ethnic slur in that area is common language and not my words. I never start the conversation and seldom interject my own opinions in order to get the real feel of where they are at on certain positions.

I was very surprised, shocked actually, that all said they would not pull the straight ticket as there was no way in hell they were voting for Hillary because she is evil. Their words, not mine. They also said there was no way they would vote for Trump which was what I expected. Some even said they would not vote at all this election. These are people that vote in the election of the local dog catcher.

This will be a most interesting election where there will be people that have never voted out voting and people that have always voted staying home. It makes me wonder if the status of Blue or Red states will hold true as in pst elections. I am sure there will not be much change in most of the states but it will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end.

Looks like to me that there will be a lot of people sitting at home, a lot of people voting against a candidate rather than for a candidate.

It is a shame that this is what our nation has come to over the past 8 years. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You ought to start a polling company, Mr. Gallop! If you had a fucking clue you'd know that Texas turned red because of those same God-fearing, white folks you describe.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Like I said, it is just my observation of a small group of people that probably represent a larger number of like minded folks.
It will not change the outcome of the Texas vote overall but may be representative of enough like minded people in the states where enough staying home could swing the vote one way or the other.

In the end, it will be about who is willing to hold their collective noses in order to defeat the other. It is a shame that our choices are what they are.

As far as having a clue, I have one I can give you; I have absolutely zero respect for you or your opinions. You are a typical liberal that resorts to less than intellectual rhetoric and name calling if somebody differs from what you believe. I seldom if ever read a word of what shows up under your handle. You place yourself beneath all others and need no assistance from me in achieving that position.
I guess I see Trump being "Evil" in a more overt, destructive way. I'm not a fan of Hillary, but I don't see her as truly dangerous in the way I see Trump. You may have a point in terms of your predictions on what she'll do with the military, but that's really just conjecture (albeit perhaps educated conjecture). What Trump has revealed about himself in terms of overt racism, mysogeny and outright ignorance of basic history and civics is unforgivable. And I think polls will prove wildly inaccurate. Polling now is not what it once was. The pooling methods are outdated. This is anyone's election (except Johnson or Stien's!).