Bill Mahr: A home Run into Left Field.

ICU 812's Avatar
Bill Mahr is not my favorite liberal, but sometimes he hits a home run in my ballpark.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Bill Mahr is not my favorite liberal, but sometimes he hits a home run in my ballpark. Originally Posted by ICU 812
He never has been a Liberal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He never has been a Liberal. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so he's a LINO?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Actually, he was mostly a conservative, most likely a Libertarian, then became a progressive and is shifting back towards Libertarian. Guess you might call him a switch hitter.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Actually, he was mostly a conservative, most likely a Libertarian, then became a progressive and is shifting back towards Libertarian. Guess you might call him a switch hitter. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

People want to fit others into a narrow box, for their own lazy analysis. I get that a lot.. Folks here actually fight me when they find out I agree with them. They come out swinging... Like how dare you say that, when I already decided for you?
  • Mplay
  • 06-11-2022, 06:02 PM
I agree with one of his points. Hollywood is so woke about everything but they keep pushing gun hero movies . I’ve been against excessively violent video games for awhile on young minds. However, we are past all that. Good parenting needs to step in.
Agreed.Bill Maher is a pragmatist, as are many of us that wear different political stripes.

We are for what works.
VitaMan's Avatar
What else would Hollywood do ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He never has been a Liberal. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
he is by definition a classic liberal.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Maher is ragging on Progressives every week now to the point that he is being called out by the LGBTQ+ community.

He had a good line when he was talking about "transitioning" and made a comment that "maybe we should explore other options before the doctor asks for the dick saw". Oh, they didn't like that one bit.

And not a show goes by that he doesn't remind his guests that Democrats are going to have their asses handed to them in the mid-terms.

Why would that be if things are "better under Biden than Trump"?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Don't know where Mahers going... but he sure as hell doesn't like what the democrats are doing.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I agree with one of his points. Hollywood is so woke about everything but they keep pushing gun hero movies . I’ve been against excessively violent video games for awhile on young minds. However, we are past all that. Good parenting needs to step in. Originally Posted by Mplay
Ya'll might not remember Larry Flint and Hustler magazine. There was a huge fap-fest over a editorial carton of an infant being placed in a freezer, ostensibly for a nap, with a TV on top.

The whole point of it was parents using the TV to keep their kids on ice. Recall, it also became known as the boob-tube. Today, that TV is replaced with iPads and video games. Parents, grand parents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and other family are essential ingredients to raising children.

We need to stop the practice of trophy children for bragging rights. Do it right or not at all.
ICU 812's Avatar
Lets drop the categorizing of Bikk Mahar (or Larry Flint) . . .did anyone view the VIDEO?

His remarks on Hollywood are spot-on in my view.

While he talks ab out the focus of "action" films on gun-violence justified by vengeance, the same could be said for any of the Oriental Martial Arts or Kung-Fu movies I have ever seen. Including that genre expands the scope of influence to societal disfunctions to include the sucker-punch game and gang vendettas.

The subject at hand is independent of the observer's political or socialogical orientation.
ICU 812's Avatar
he is by definition a classic liberal. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
And that is how he characterizes himself as well.

But enough with putting people in boxes . . .is he right about Hollywood?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Lets drop the categorizing of Bikk Mahar (or Larry Flint) . . .did anyone view the VIDEO?... Originally Posted by ICU 812
I don't need no stinking video to understand Bikk Mahar or Bill Mahr or even Larry Flint. If you don't watch the Hollywood crap or internalize and worship it, it just don't matter and parents and family can have an impact on managing that. Same would apply to TV news.

But Bill Mahr''s view point is a product of the shifting views of Progressives, very similar to Elon Musk's, as he pictured below:

I'm of no sympathetic alliance with people who believe fantasy is reality.