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I am glad this holiday season is over. It's only a little over a month long but it really drags out for me. No more happy or merry anything for a while. We can all get back to being our normal selves and quit being so festive.
We do have Valentines day soon, but a call to the florist, and maybe a night out solves that one. Easter and the fourth of july are a piece of cake. Light the bbq pit and do some cooking and drinking. I have an anniversery in between those two, I'll look up the date and buy something. Then it's months of bliss. No reason to be nice to anyone unless you want to.
Is anyone else glad it's over?
Me I dont buy into the whole thing, so its kind of awkward seeing everyone else being overly nice to people they really do are not fond of.
I don't mind being festive but I do agree with the about statement about being extra nice to people you don't really know that well. I do hate the crowded malls and the crazy parking lot driving. I make it a point to being with family so my hobby activity kind of goes down. I wonder if there are statistics about less activity here during holidays? Or maybe like z good friend of mind said one time "Everyday is a good day got sex"
Yes sir, I am glad it is all over....
DAMN, and I thought me coming to town would be nearly as good as SANTA. What a letdown and I thought everyone was being nice because of my wonderful personality, now I find out yall were just being nice and polite. Think I'll go to the closet and cry.

Chelsea, if you had been here at Christmas I might have had a better attitude.
rjdiner's Avatar
Well I have a different take on the holidays:

1. It's festive so it's easier to find people to get hammered with.
2. Shopping/Mall problems, one word: Amazon.
3. Christmas doesn't make me nicer. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole on the holidays too.
4. My daughter comes home and I get to see her and that makes it all worthwhile for me.

Christmas Forever!
Chelsea, if you had been here at Christmas I might have had a better attitude. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
echo that sentiment...