Happy New Year Y'all! And a question about verification . . .

justanotherjoe's Avatar
Happy New Year Y'all!

I hope that this new year brings you lots of joy, happiness, and hobby fun.

Pleasantries aside, I do have a question about how a hobbyist, just another joe, gets verified by a provider. How does this process work after the hobbyist gives the provider the references? I mean, it seems simple enough that for safety's sake, the provider would call the references for either a yay or nay. But I heard from a friend that some references would call the hobbyist back and try to get the appointment. I'm all for competition in a free market, but does this really happen? Or has it happened to you?

I was just curious because it seems that sometimes the verification takes a long time.

Peace y'all,
Unfortunately Joe, I have seen a lot of B.S. go on in my 2 years in the business...

Once, a potential client contacted me and gave me a couple of references, one of which was a very good friend. I called her up and asked about him and she said, "yes, he's a great guy; he is very nice and polite."

Not an hour after I spoke with my friend, I received an email from the potential client stating that he wished to give me yet another reference instead of my friend because he was not sure she would give him a favorable reference. I explained to him that I spoke with her and she gave him a great reference. Bewildered, he told me that she had called him to gripe him out for having canceled last minute on the last double appointment he had scheduled with her and another girl.

While yes, he canceled at the last minute on a double appointment, she had actually raised the rate of the double appointment at the last minute and so he canceled.

Long story longer, yes, there is a great deal of skull-duggery going on out there. It infuriates me when a provider does not even answer a reference request. I try to keep potential clients in the loop during the screening process. If I have heard back from Ms. A but not from Ms. B, I simply email the potential client and tell him that I have tried numerous times to contact Ms. B to no avail.

I also don't understand why guys continue to see girls who neither give a p411 okays on their behalf nor respond to a reference request when a guy uses a girl as a reference.

I'm just saying that if the shoe were on the other foot and I saw a provider then I used her as a reference to see another provider and she was unresponsive on my behalf, I sure as hell wouldn't see that girl again.
ARealNerd's Avatar
Yeah I am a total noob to this scene. Making an inroad is a little daunting. I have had some UTR fun and MP fun but at this point I wanted to .... I don't know take it to the next level and set up some fantasies that just aren't normally available.
justanotherjoe's Avatar
Thanks for the comments Aidan. Yes, I can see how there can be misunderstandings. And like ARealNerd, I'm just another newbie here. I'll just play it by ear and see how this new hobby goes.