And I'll cry if i want to

Adrienne Knight's Avatar
It's my birthday... week. :-)
This year I'd like to make sure my birthday isn't just another day. Any suggestions for celebration?
I'd like to be your present 1. How about hitting somewhere you always wanted to. A nice rest. Then a fun bar. Unless you r thinking bigger. But sometimes a great dinner and friends around make it the best.
Somewhere like the sandbox?
Moved to Sandbox.

Happy Birthday
Adrienne Knight's Avatar
Lmao. Thanks
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
Happy Birthday AK!!! Enjoy your special day!!!
bamatide's Avatar
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday beautiful!
Travelingbro's Avatar
Happy Birthday..... I would say a good steak house or Italian..... a great dinner on your BD cant loose.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Recently POD and now your birthday, you're on a roll,you shoudl buy a lotto ticket or two.

Happy Birthday.............