Casey / McCormick

HDGristle's Avatar
Love how no one really bothered to discuss the Senate race at all.

John Thomas definitely made a difference in keeping this one close.

Sadly, still waiting on a pile of votes. You may be shocked, but I voted McCormick again
HDGristle's Avatar
Looking like McCormick finally gets a seat he should have had last cycle.

This is what happens when you send a local boy against a local boy instead of a carpet bagger.

That said, happy to have a split for Senate in PA. Good counterpoint to Fetterman. I enjoy the balance.
chizzy's Avatar
i will say fetterman seems to be turning out to be better than expected
HDGristle's Avatar
You guys set that bar so fucking low, it's kind of hard not to be.

McCormick gonna be good too. He's pretty moderate once you strip out the tribalist fearmongering
lustylad's Avatar
Dave McCormick will be a great Senator. As a Pennsylvanian, I'm embarrassed it's taking so long to call the race - he's ahead by 30,000 with 98% of the votes counted. Wtf is taking so long?

Bob Casey polluted the airwaves with disgustingly negative ads. They were so bad they weren't even believable. Like the one saying McCormick "profited" off the (forbidden topic) deaths of 5,000 PA residents a year. What a dirtbag Casey is. His dreary & forgettable career as a political do-nothing is ending on a sad note.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2024, 12:24 AM
Come on, Casey is a brain dead zombie.

What has he done?


Name something.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2024, 12:27 AM
I liked his dad, a D with balls.

Coat tails.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2024, 12:34 AM
i will say fetterman seems to be turning out to be better than expected Originally Posted by chizzy
Reluctantly I have to agree.

You fuckers hear that?

Sometimes guts are enough, Fetterman has shown some.

I would like to think he's leaning Libertarian or, even Republican.

I don't rule out party changes after this election.

Sometimes everybody needs to jump in for the big win.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2024, 04:07 PM
Done, race called.

But bye Bob the SPED!
winn dixie's Avatar
Good for Mccormick that's 53
Nevada ain't looking good
Good to see some waking up towards fetterman.
He's the only Democrat I'd vote for.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I gotta admit, Fetterman has been better than expected *in his statements*. I haven’t looked into his voting record but I’d be surprised if he wasn’t a Biden rubber stamp. Statements can sway opinion tho, and he doesn’t seem nearly as braindead so good on him for that.
bambino's Avatar
That’s not the real Fetterman.
HDGristle's Avatar
That’s not the real Fetterman. Originally Posted by bambino
Wanna bet?
HDGristle's Avatar

Hmmmm. I want McCormick to win, but I also want to make sure all legal votes are counted.

This is why we keep counting and don't just certify on election night.

Still think he'll come out the winner.
HDGristle's Avatar