I don't give a shit what happens in New York

Todays big news on Yahoo is that some window washers were rescued. Why is it the news media think I should care what happens in New York. They live there in that cesspool I don't give a flip about their problems. Am I just an angry old man?
And they dont give a shit about what some country bubba yahoo from texas thinks.
Yep you can be sure of that. There is nothing out side of NYC as far as they know.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I wish NYC would go away

I live in NY and I hate that fucking city.
They make all the rules for people that can take care and protect themselves.

We don't need government help.
We need you to leave us the fuck alone.
Todays big news on Yahoo is that some window washers were rescued. Why is it the news media think I should care what happens in New York. They live there in that cesspool I don't give a flip about their problems. Am I just an angry old man? Originally Posted by tucson
And they dont give a shit about what some country bubba yahoo from texas thinks. Originally Posted by ilikefun
You're both angry old men.

Why wouldn't you care about other people in the US and the rest of the world? How narrow-minded and parochial can you be that you don't care what happens outside of your own little world in Texas?

Does that mean you did not care about the 9-11 attack? Because that happened in NY, not Texas, you know.

For your information, people in NY do follow the news outside NY. Perhaps that is why they have a reputation for being cosmopolitan and you do not.

I know many people in my circle of friends and family that followed the news about the explosion in West, Texas.
Yahoo News made a big thing of two men hanging in a broken scaffold. The news headquarters for most of the media is located there so all they see is what happens there. Fires in western states did not make the news. It has always been what was important to those in NYC. Prostitution at Fort Hood didn't make the news until late in the evening. Main stream media feels NYC is the center of the world.
Yahoo News made a big thing of two men hanging in a broken scaffold. The news headquarters for most of the media is located there so all they see is what happens there. Fires in western states did not make the news. It has always been what was important to those in NYC. Prostitution at Fort Hood didn't make the news until late in the evening. Main stream media feels NYC is the center of the world. Originally Posted by tucson
Right NOW, the websites for CBS News and CNN have big articles on the chmical factory explosion in Geismar, Louisiana.

The front page of the NBC News website is covering the wildfires in Colorado.

The front page of the ABC News website is covering the Edward Snowden the NSA leaker.

The front page of the NY Times website is all international news and Washington DC news. There is NOTHING about NY on the NY Times front page.

So, I guess your theory is nonsense, right?
Now that you don't live there would you go back? I lived there for four years and promised the Good Lord if I ever got out I would never go back. The people that live there believe any thing west of the city limits is the boon docks. We here in Texas were amazed to see how the refugees from NY that moved here would not say hello to those they encountered on the street. Any how welcome to Texas.