Sugar Daddy info?

  • Eenk
  • 01-01-2021, 11:59 AM
Can someone point me to info about Sugar Daddy experiences, relationships, pros/cons, comparables? Best ways to learn about what one might be getting themselves into? Not asking for a friend- haha. Trying to get the most out of life.
dillyx2's Avatar
Go to the main page of this site and scroll down to sugar daddy discussion forum.
There is a wealth of information in this forum and I would bet any questions you have can be answered there.
Research, research and research, then test the waters.
I got into the sugar daddy arena many years ago and this site helped tremendously.
Precious_b's Avatar
he can't see it dilly.

Eenk, step up your membership here. Do a few reviews.
  • Eenk
  • 01-03-2021, 08:16 AM
he can't see it dilly.

Eenk, step up your membership here. Do a few reviews. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Thanks! I've done a few reviews in the past and enjoyed the privileges, but I didn't realize there were forums that are hidden, not just ROS.