Is there a connection

I noticed the higher Romney rises in the pols the lower the stock market falls. Are investors skiddish about him? Or do they like Obama better?
joe bloe's Avatar
I noticed the higher Romney rises in the pools the lower the stock market falls. Are investors skiddish about him? Or do they like Obama better? Originally Posted by ekim008
What's Romney doing in the pool in the first place, and what does "skiddish" mean? Is it similar to Yiddish? Are you typing with your feet?
I am skiddish about your reply
joe bloe's Avatar
Do you think Trayvon "Martian" felt "skiddish" when saw Zimmerman's gun?
You are totally clueless as to what is happening with Greece, PIIGS, and the Euro. But, you are just the average American. So sad.

P.S. The word is skittish.
joe bloe's Avatar
You are totally clueless as to what is happening with Greece, PIIGS, and the Euro. But, you are just the average American. So sad.

P.S. The word is skittish. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
I'm still not clear on why Romney would "rise in the pools". Maybe it's some sort of Mormon religious ritual.
The Euro crisis is about 2/5 of it, and the slow downs in the growth of India and China are about 2/5's of it. 1/5 is random local shit.
joe bloe's Avatar
The Euro crisis is about 2/5 of it, and the slow downs in the growth of India and China are about 2/5's of it. 1/5 is random local shit. Originally Posted by jackbeingbad
I heard some commentator on Fox Business say the market was overdue for a correction. I personally think the stock market is a bubble being created by the Fed. People have no place to go but the stock market with interest rates so incredibly low; that can't last forever. I think there's a tsunami of inflation and much higher interest rates coming. Paul Ryan says we'll look like Greece in two years if we don't cut spending.
I heard some commentator on Fox Business say the market was overdue for a correction. I personally think the stock market is a bubble being created by the Fed. People have no place to go but the stock market with interest rates so incredibly low; that can't last forever. I think there's a tsunami of inflation and much higher interest rates coming. Paul Ryan says we'll look like Greece in two years if we don't cut spending. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Greece chose austerity and that is EXACTLY what Eddie Munster's Teapublican plan is. He seems to want to institute spending cuts/austerity as the only plan. LMAO! Welcome to the United States of Greece.

Yes! Let's choose to throw the country into a depression that may be bigger than the "Great Depression"! Wise choice, Munster fans!
Steven put your avatar back up. You got a little respect from it, Brother.
joe bloe's Avatar
I noticed the higher Romney rises in the pols the lower the stock market falls. Are investors skiddish about him? Or do they like Obama better? Originally Posted by ekim008
I notice you went back and tried to correct "pools" so now it's "pols". You still got it wrong. The word is spelled polls. Don't get discouraged. It's a hard word to spell, after all it does have five letters. Also, if you're going to go back and correct your spelling, you should have changed skiddish to skittish. I probably shouldn't make fun of you because my spelling is pretty bad too, but seriously, you should try harder.

Greece chose austerity and that is EXACTLY what Eddie Munster's Teapublican plan is. He seems to want to institute spending cuts/austerity as the only plan. LMAO! Welcome to the United States of Greece.

Yes! Let's choose to throw the country into a depression that may be bigger than the "Great Depression"! Wise choice, Munster fans!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Hey...We haven't seen growth since before 2008. We are past the double dip recession. Our debt to GDP ratio is worse than The Great Depression. Read something and throw out your tv because your EQ is suffering badly.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Greece chose austerity and that is EXACTLY what Eddie Munster's Teapublican plan is. He seems to want to institute spending cuts/austerity as the only plan. LMAO! Welcome to the United States of Greece.

Yes! Let's choose to throw the country into a depression that may be bigger than the "Great Depression"! Wise choice, Munster fans!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
so you'd rather that this country go into defecit spending with money we don't have????
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I noticed the higher Romney rises in the pols the lower the stock market falls. Are investors skiddish about him? Or do they like Obama better? Originally Posted by ekim008
no the stock market's behavior is more of a reflection of Obama.

Romney has no influence at this stage.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The stock market is re-acting to bad economic data. If anyone knows a damn thing about stocks is that they are never a leading indicator of the current economic situation. The stock market is re-acting to the Greek/Euro issues as well as the less than stellar U.S. jobs reports. If the mainstream media would actually report the truth on the American job front, Romney would be way out in front. Technically, the jobless rate has dropped to a little over 8%. In reality, that drop is due to the shear number of people who have left the job market or those who are not working full time or those who are not working in the jobs that they should be working in. The real unemployment rate is somewhere around 10-11%. For use to have healthy economic growth, we need to create somewhere between 350,000 to 400,000 jobs per month. Right now, we are barely creating 125,000 jobs per month, and that is just simply a matter of population growth and not real jobs growth. Companies (in particular small business) will not create any new jobs until they know what the tax equation will be moving forward. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of the year. If they do, small business will not be hiring any time soon. Obama's whole wealth redistribution plan is putting a crimp on job creation. Until there is fiscal certainty in Washington, look for the economy to sputter along like it has for the past 2 to 3 years. A weak economy is Romney's best friend.