A different spin on the election.

bambino's Avatar

There's a lot of bullshit going on in this election. We'll see on 11/8/2016
bambino's Avatar
Or there is this.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/us...ecast-in-race/ Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How's your candidate Gary Johnson doing Retarded Lenny? But he's really not your candidate Retarded Lenny. Because you think Clinton is winning Retarded Lenny. You never post a goofy meme regarding Hillary. Is it because Asswipe will reprimand you Retarded Lenny? Do you know what day it is Retarded Lenny? I doubt it.
How's your candidate Gary Johnson doing Retarded Lenny? But he's really not your candidate Retarded Lenny. Because you think Clinton is winning Retarded Lenny. You never post a goofy meme regarding Hillary. Is it because Asswipe will reprimand you Retarded Lenny? Do you know what day it is Retarded Lenny? I doubt it. Originally Posted by bambino
After the election and people see who they got, regardless if it is Trump or Clinton, they will wished they had voted for Gary. I explained it to your dumb ass once, not going to do it again. Be sure to vote on the 28th of Nov for Trump.
bambino's Avatar
After the election and people see who they got, regardless if it is Trump or Clinton, they will wished they had voted for Gary. I explained it to your dumb ass once, not going to do it again. Be sure to vote on the 28th of Nov for Trump. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Whatever, you can't explain anything to anybody. You've never explained it to me and I don't care. Asswipe gives you marching orders. You do what he says. Now go stalk the the others like IB, COG, Gary, DSK and LL. That's why you have 28,000 posts. You get your balls kicked by several here.
Whatever, you can't explain anything to anybody. You've never explained it to me and I don't care. Asswipe gives you marching orders. You do what he says. Now go stalk the the others like IB, COG, Gary, DSK and LL. That's why you have 28,000 posts. You get your balls kicked by several here. Originally Posted by bambino
Thanks for explaining you are too fucking dumb to understand anything. Or you have the memory of a turnip. I will not provide the link, go eat out a ass bottom feeder.
It's the only SPIN, Fucking Landslide!!! ir·rel·e·vant 0zombies are going down the shitter or in Pickle Suckers case "going down in the shitter"...

Or there is this.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/us...ecast-in-race/ Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Big deal Hitler got about 85% of the peoples vote. We all know how that turned out for the people of Germany.


There's a lot of bullshit going on in this election. We'll see on 11/8/2016 Originally Posted by bambino
Yep America is on it's way to a completely knew era. Unfortunately one that we will regret whether you voted for her or not.

Yep America is on it's way to a completely knew era. Unfortunately one that we will regret whether you voted for her or not.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

True but Trumps the only chance we have... at least we will go down fighting!

cptjohnstone's Avatar
local news said GOP is setting a record on new registration and we are already a red red state
Munchmasterman's Avatar

There's a lot of bullshit going on in this election. We'll see on 11/8/2016 Originally Posted by bambino
It couldn't be more simple. If it's against trump, no matter if factchecked or even if there is video of it, you'll say it's not true, you'll ignore it, for damn sure you say Clinton has done worse. The evidence doesn't mean anything.
You believe anything negative about Clinton, no matter how well or many times it been proven wrong. Your impartiality has been compromised so many times that as an example of a lying and worthless piece of is only one order of magnitude less than trump himself.
Not bad working out of your step dad's (your fourth one but his second time).
You stayed in the closet until you thought that not even trump could fuck this up. You came out in support of a guy who taught your 2nd, fourth, and fifth step dads to suck cock, both your host and donor mothers, and little sally, the retarded girl next door, who beat the shit out of you on a regular basis. Who am I to monopolize your huge mouth hole.

Now be a lamb and fuck off.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Big deal Hitler got about 85% of the peoples vote. We all know how that turned out for the people of Germany. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
actually,that is not true. Hitler was never elected, he was appointed.

His party, the Nazi party, only got 30% in the 1st election (1932) and barely got 50% in the 2nd election (1933).
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
local news said GOP is setting a record on new registration and we are already a red red state Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Pennsylvania signed up 100,000 new voters for the republican party.