Europeans agree with Trump!

bambino's Avatar
This poll shows Europeans are fed up with Muslim immigration. It may be too late for them.
It's amazing how we have a blueprint telling us what NOT to do, and the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrats in the USA insist on letting as many Muslims into our Country as possible.

The Europeans are finding out that the teachings of Islam are in direct conflict with most ideas that shape Western Civilization. First among these are freedom of Religion, speech, and pursuit of happiness.

President Trump mentioned that Sweden had a Muslim Problem. He was castigated in our Major News Outlets. Now we find that Sweden has allowed Muslim Envlaves to exist within their Country that are basically ignoring Swedish Law, forming their own set of rules based on Sharia. It is so bad that the Swedish Police do not even go into these areas.

Britain has almost the same problem, as does France. In fact, the disease of Islam is steadily infecting all European Countries to the point that they are now waking up to the dangers of allowing Religious Fanatics who teach hate and murder in their Country in the first place.

Of course, we have a Constitution that is our supreme law. But don't think for one minute that petty demagogues such a Diane Feinstein wouldn't want to change our Constitution in order to allow those that follow the tenants of Islam freedom to set up theirs own "States within a State" to inforce their radical Religious beliefs.

At the very least we have a President that does recognize the problem, and is willing to do something about it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another Sharia law dog whistle.

Get over yourself Jackie.

You're gonna pull something!

And until you offer some credible proof, you're just as big a liar as Twitler.

bambino's Avatar
Another Sharia law dog whistle.

Get over yourself Jackie.

You're gonna pull something!

And until you offer some credible proof, you're just as big a liar as Twitler.

GET GOOGLING, BOY! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You pull cocks they your gloryholes you stupid cocksucking PIG.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Produce some fucking backup for Jackie's bullshit claims, EATLER.

OInk much?

bambino's Avatar
Produce some fucking backup for Jackie's bullshit claims, EATLER.

OInk much?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go fuck yourself PIG. Nice selfie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Produce some fucking backup for Jackie's bullshit claims, EATLER.

All I hear is OINKING, EATLER!

Jackie is lying and you're doubling down on it.

Or did you EAT JACKIE too?

bambino's Avatar
Produce some fucking backup for Jackie's bullshit claims, EATLER.

All I hear is OINKING, EATLER!

Jackie is lying and you're doubling down on it.

Or did you EAT JACKIE too?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You ate his cock. Nice selfie PIG.
  • DSK
  • 03-24-2017, 11:59 AM
Another Sharia law dog whistle.

Get over yourself Jackie.

You're gonna pull something!

And until you offer some credible proof, you're just as big a liar as Twitler.

GET GOOGLING, BOY! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go fuck yourself you Un-American faggot!!

Long Live These United States which are, and of right ought to be:

Free and Independent States!!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The reason he was castigated was because he's a fucking liar. You type this shit without a shred of evidence from a credible source.
I noticed you didn't include any links.
Here's one you stupid douche-bag.

President Trump mentioned that Sweden had a Muslim Problem. He was castigated in our Major News Outlets. Now we find that Sweden has allowed Muslim Envlaves to exist within their Country that are basically ignoring Swedish Law, forming their own set of rules based on Sharia. It is so bad that the Swedish Police do not even go into these areas.

. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's so easy to prove you douche-bags wrong. You open your pie holes and lie your ass's off.
You think because trump is president you get to lie too.
Where the fuck is Whirlaway when you need him?
Facts about migration and crime in Sweden

In recent times, simplistic and occasionally completely inaccurate information about Sweden and Swedish migration policy has been disseminated. Here, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs looks at some of the most common claims.

Claim: "Sweden had its first islamic terrorist attack not so long ago"

Facts: The only known attempt at such an attack was in 2010. No one was killed but the attacker.
Claim: "There has been a major increase in gun violence in Sweden."

Facts: In general terms, violence has decreased in Sweden in the last 20 years. At the same time, surveys repeatedly show that people in Sweden and in other Western countries have a perception that violence is actually increasing. Perceptions of increased violence have been linked to the number of immigrants in Sweden. Nonetheless, research shows that there is no evidence to indicate that immigration leads to increased crime. Despite the fact that the number of immigrants in Sweden has increased since the 1990s, exposure to violent crimes has declined.
Data from the Swedish Crime Survey shows that in terms of lethal violence, there has generally been a downward trend over the past 25 years. Nonetheless, the level in 2015 – when a total of 112 cases of lethal violence were reported – was higher than for many years.
Studies conducted by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention show that lethal violence using firearms has increased within the context of criminal conflicts. The number of confirmed or suspected shootings was 20 per cent higher in 2014 than in 2006. The statistics also show that 17 people were killed with firearms in 2011, while the corresponding figure in 2015 was 33.
Figures from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) show that in 2012, 0.7 murders were committed in Sweden per 100 000 inhabitants.

Claim: "There has been a major increase in the number of rapes in Sweden."

Facts: The number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen. But the definition of rape has broadened over time, which makes it difficult to compare the figures. It is also misleading to compare the figures with other countries, as many acts that are considered rape under Swedish law are not considered rape in many other countries.
For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all.
Willingness to report such offences also differs dramatically between countries. A culture in which these crimes are talked about openly, and victims are not blamed, will also have more cases reported. Sweden has made a conscious effort to encourage women to report any offence.
Read more about the legal implications of the term 'rape' (in Swedish):Claim: "Refugees are behind the increase in crime, but the authorities are covering it up."

Facts: According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention's Swedish Crime Survey, some 13 per cent of the population were the victim of an offence against them personally in 2015. This is an increase on preceding years, although it is roughly the same level as in 2005.
The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention has conducted two studies into the representation of people from foreign backgrounds among crime suspects, the most recent in 2005. The studies show that the majority of those suspected of crimes were born in Sweden to two Swedish-born parents. The studies also show that the vast majority of people from foreign backgrounds are not suspected of any crimes.
People from foreign backgrounds are suspected of crimes more often than people from a Swedish background. According to the most recent study, people from foreign backgrounds are 2.5 times more likely to be suspected of crimes than people born in Sweden to Swedish-born parents. In a later study, researchers at Stockholm University showed that the main difference in terms of criminal activity between immigrants and others in the population was due to differences in the socioeconomic conditions in which they grew up in Sweden. This means factors such as parents' incomes, and the social circumstances in the area in which an individual grew up.
Swedish government agencies have nothing to gain from covering up statistics and facts; they seek an open and fact-based dialogue. Sweden is an open society governed by a principle of public access to official documents. This means that members of the public, e.g. private individuals and media representatives, have the right to insight into and access to information about the activities of central and local government.
Claim: "In Sweden there are a number of 'no-go zones' where criminality and gangs have taken over and where the emergency services do not dare to go."

Facts: No. In a report published in February 2016, the Swedish Police Authority identified 53 residential areas around the country that have become increasingly marred by crime, social unrest and insecurity. These places have been incorrectly labelled 'no-go zones'. What is true, however, is that in several of these areas the police have experienced difficulties fulfilling their duties; but it is not the case that the police do not go to them or that Swedish law does not apply there.
The causes of the problems in these areas are complex and multifaceted. To reverse the trend, more initiatives are required from all of society, at all levels.
Read more: The Swedish Police (in Swedish)
Claim: "The high level of immigration means that the system in Sweden is on the verge of collapse."

Facts: No. The Swedish economy is strong. Despite the high costs of immigration, Sweden recorded a public finance surplus in 2015, and the forecasts indicate that the surplus is set to grow until 2020.
Moreover, Sweden has had one of the highest rates of growth in Europe over the last two years. Youth unemployment has declined considerably and is now at its lowest level for 13 years, and long-term unemployment (12 months or longer) is the lowest in the EU.
In addition, the World Economic Forum has identified Sweden as being among the top countries in many international rankings.
A large number of people have sought protection in Sweden. In 2015, almost 163 000 people sought asylum here. The measures subsequently taken by the Government, including temporary ID checks and border controls, and the new temporary asylum legislation, have led to fewer people now seeking asylum in Sweden.
Read more: Swedish Migration Agency
Sweden needs immigration to compensate for the decline in numbers of babies being born here.
Read more: History of migration in Sweden
Claim: "Muslims will soon be in the majority in Sweden."

Facts: No. It is estimated that there are a few hundred thousand people in Sweden whose roots are in predominantly Muslim countries. But this figure says nothing about how many are religious or not.
The Muslim faith communities have approximately 140 000 members. This is about 1.5 per cent of Sweden's population. The largest faith communities are the Church of Sweden, the Pentecostal Movement and the Roman Catholic Church. Of Sweden's ten million inhabitants, 6.2 million are members of the Church of Sweden.
Prejudices and negative attitudes towards Muslims exist in many areas of society. A report published by the Equality Ombudsman in 2015 shows that Islamophobia is manifested in threats, violence, verbal abuse, media attacks, harassment in schools, unfavourable opportunities for finding a job, and in other ways.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The irony of your stupidity is unbelievable.
The racist douche-bag wants the United States to be independent states and calls some one un-American.

Americans live in the United States.

Un-American racist confederate douche-bags live.....too long.

So now what stupid thing are you going to say?

Go fuck yourself you Un-American faggot!!

Long Live These United States which are, and of right ought to be:

Free and Independent States!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So Jackie lied through his ass.
And you claim Jackie has no cock.

Excuse me if I don't ask what you had to do to Jackie to find that out.
Or did your mommy find out for you?

You ate his cock. Nice selfie PIG. Originally Posted by bambino
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That statement made sense.
He's melting! He's melting!
What a world.

What a douche-bag.

You pull cocks they your gloryholes you stupid cocksucking PIG. Originally Posted by bambino
Go fuck yourself you Un-American faggot!!

Long Live These United States which are, and of right ought to be:

Free and Independent States!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Hey quit the bullshit- why are you allowed to use the word "faggot" w/o any reprimand from the MODs is still unknown to me. Faggot is a deragatory to the LBGT community and shouldn't be allowed. I respectfully stopped with the jewish jokes, but you should do the same and stop using the word "faggot" it's a slur and if any mOD is reading this- specifically Nyer please feel free to look up the word in webster's dictionary - as a matter of fact let me save you the trouble:
—used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a male homosexual
lustylad's Avatar
Hey quit the bullshit- why are you allowed to use the word "faggot" w/o any reprimand... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt


Hey Lubed, do you enjoy being a FAGGOT?

Do you enjoy being a FAGGOT?

Do you enjoy being a FAGGOT?

(Well do you, faggot???)