Civilization collapse approaching in sweden, Germany, france

Buddys Place's Avatar
This is getting out of control. Ive been reading about islam triggered a civil war in yugoSlavia, and how civilization collapsed due to rampant muslim immigration.

Dipshits like assup assume that third world immigration somehow makes places better. He has no logic whatsoever to back this up. What I read was pretty shocking.

America is also approaching civil war and economic collapse. The blacks want their own in which they will not be punished when they steal, rape or kill. The Mexicans want their own country, in the southwest and want to call it aztlan. And of course, Muslims want the entire world.

It is a sad time for western free world, the first world. Trump might delay, but not stop this from happening.

Soon, europe, America and countries that used to be peaceful, prosperous and majority white, will have trouble surviving. The future will be similar to "mad max".
bambino's Avatar
I'm not sure about everything you just posted. But we can all agree with this statement:

"Dipshits like assup"
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
stop spinning like Faux News. Trump did NOT repeal OBAMACARE!!!!

the mutherfucker lied that's all that matters. Fuck other news and diversion tactics from Trumps COLLOSSAL FAILURE!!!

You foul P.O.S.....go sit in the corner and sip your steamin' hot Cup of STFU, Douche Bag. No more hijacking of threads on this more.

Your precious obamacare is barely registering a pulse...its simply a matter of time. AND over the course of time...Eight Years of Trump's Steady Hand, in fact...everything and anything that barry touched will be eradicated. For All Time.

P.S. Leave this site...permanently, jerk off. No one wants nor needs you here.

Also, I happen to agree with many of the OP's thoughts. The blight on all of mankind is the poison that is Islam and Sharia Law. "Mad Max" indeed....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You foul P.O.S.....go sit in the corner and sip your steamin' hot Cup of STFU, Douche Bag. No more hijacking of threads on this more.

Your precious obamacare is barely registering a pulse...its simply a matter of time. AND over the course of time...Eight Years of Trump's Steady Hand, in fact...everything and anything that barry touched will be eradicated. For All Time.

P.S. Leave this site...permanently, jerk off. No one wants nor needs you here.

Also, I happen to agree with many of the OP's thoughts. The blight on all of mankind is the poison that is Islam and Sharia Law. "Mad Max" indeed.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Really? You're gonna chase other members out of the forum? Those with opposing viewpoints?

Who died and made you Putin?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not sure about everything you just posted. But we can all agree with this statement:

"Dipshits like assup" Originally Posted by bambino
Dog whistle for EATLER!

It's all about you, isn't it, Slobbo?

Come on, OINK for us some more! Ya fucking LOSER!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not sure about everything you just posted. But we can all agree with this statement:

"Dipshits like assup" Originally Posted by bambino
Dog whistle for EATLER!

It's all about you, isn't it, Slobbo?

Come on, OINK for us some more! Ya fucking LOSER!

bambino's Avatar
Dog whistle for EATLER!

It's all about you, isn't it, Slobbo?

Come on, OINK for us some more! Ya fucking LOSER!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So says the cockstalking cocksucking PIG
The self portriat of your fat ass asswipe is getting old find another one
Really? You're gonna chase other members out of the forum? Those with opposing viewpoints?

Who died and made you Putin? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

SissyLips made no...Absolutely ZERO...opposing viewpoint per the OP's post. Nada.

Douchey hijacks almost as many threads as you do.....if pointing that out makes me the Putin of Eccie then so be.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-25-2017, 10:14 AM

America is also approaching civil war and economic collapse. The blacks want their own in which they will not be punished when they steal, rape or kill. The Mexicans want their own country, in the southwest and want to call it aztlan. And of course, Muslims want the entire world.
. Originally Posted by Buddys Place
Been black a long time. Never attended a lets get our own country meeting. Most of my family has served this country. Why would we want to break from what we fought for? If its civil war, its not us that want it.

You have got to stop reading the Internet so much. Stop just watching fox, or any single news source. Read and reason just think for yourself. No we dont want Islam to rule the country also dont want Christianity to rule our land like the Islamic people let their beliefs rule them.
stop spinning like Faux News. Trump did NOT repeal OBAMACARE!!!!

the mutherfucker lied that's all that matters. Fuck other news and diversion tactics from Trumps COLLOSSAL FAILURE!!!

OBAMACARE LIVES!!! OK you SOB's Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yes, Trump didn't repeal Obamacare...nor could he alone. He's not king nor dictator.

But if you think that is all that matters...that he tried but was not successful with a plan put forth within first 100 days of office...then you represent what is the root cause of the demise OP suggests.

You can't think for yourself...can't see how there is so much more at stake here than a party or ideology or control of the administration. This is not an NCAA basketball game of friendly competition in which either side might get inspired and pull out a win.

This is the running of a country that represents the only thing standing between a free, democratic society and something less desirable...and it is not a friendly game. But you are more interested in "winning" an argument that our president "lied".

Consider this lie. "you will not have to give up your doctor or health plan under the ACA". I don't think President Obama lied...he was run over by the economic forces that are how businesses run themselves. When certain insurance companies chose to not participate in the ACA, that desire / prediction / request to insurance companies President Obama made was doomed.

Get a grip man...start thinking about what is good for the whole and not what is good for your "team" that wants nothing more than to see President Trump fail. His failure...ANY president's failure...weakens our country. Yes there were asshole republicans that were in that mode of thinking with President Obama. But don't try to convince me that two wrongs make a right.
  • DSK
  • 03-25-2017, 12:08 PM
This is getting out of control. Ive been reading about islam triggered a civil war in yugoSlavia, and how civilization collapsed due to rampant muslim immigration.

Dipshits like assup assume that third world immigration somehow makes places better. He has no logic whatsoever to back this up. What I read was pretty shocking.

America is also approaching civil war and economic collapse. The blacks want their own in which they will not be punished when they steal, rape or kill. The Mexicans want their own country, in the southwest and want to call it aztlan. And of course, Muslims want the entire world.

It is a sad time for western free world, the first world. Trump might delay, but not stop this from happening.

Soon, europe, America and countries that used to be peaceful, prosperous and majority white, will have trouble surviving. The future will be similar to "mad max". Originally Posted by Buddys Place
Yes, and the criminals in charge will execute those of us who pointed it out prior to the civil war.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
stop spinning like Faux News. Trump did NOT repeal OBAMACARE!!!!

the mutherfucker lied that's all that matters. Fuck other news and diversion tactics from Trumps COLLOSSAL FAILURE!!!

OBAMACARE LIVES!!! OK you SOB's Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Lies are not the way to advance your argument Shitstain. The GOP lost, the people lost, and the democrats did not participate. It was Ryan who did not repeal Obamacare, Trump was a cheerleader and bystander. The real liar is still Barack Hussein Obama and when Obamacare collapses the country will know except for the idiots (I am assuming that you're one) who will blame the GOP, as they blame the GOP for everything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes, and the criminals in charge will execute those of us who pointed it out prior to the civil war.

SAD Originally Posted by DSK
You need to change your name again before THEY come for you and push you out of a window or poison your batter (or whatever the fuck kinda goo you claim to make) or some such shit.

Now's the best time to erase your identy and rise again as Uncle Han, JL!

They'll come for you then too.
