Trump and Bannon's Next Hare Brained Idea

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Muslim Ban - Fail
Repeal and Replace - Fail
Tax Reform - Likely Fail

Now that Trump failed on the single biggest issue that got him elected he's about to double down on stupidity:

"I would say that we will probably start going very, very strong for the big tax cuts and tax reform. That will be next," Mr Trump told reporters at the White House.
However, the tax cuts were supposed to be paid for by savings from the withdrawn healthcare bill.

Without the spending cuts in the failed bill, any tax cuts will add to the federal budget deficit.

I wonder if the house and senate will be stupid enough to let Trump and Bannon's next hare brained idea come up for a vote.

let the shitstorm of lies and failures continue
Muslim Ban - Fail
Repeal and Replace - Fail
Tax Reform - Likely Fail

Now that Trump failed on the single biggest issue that got him elected he's about to double down on stupidity:

However, the tax cuts were supposed to be paid for by savings from the withdrawn healthcare bill.

Without the spending cuts in the failed bill, any tax cuts will add to the federal budget deficit.

I wonder if the house and senate will be stupid enough to let Trump and Bannon's next hare brained idea come up for a vote.

let the shitstorm of lies and failures continue Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No tax cuts, no budget. Only going to hurt the po folk such as yourself. Sad you root for your own demise, all because you don't like the president. I didn't like obama but I still hoped they could get a budget passed. Instead let's just spend 10 trillion and made problem worse. Remember the "shovel ready jobs" we are going to fix the roads and infrastructure. None of it got done. What did they do with the money, give it to the fucking banks who didn't loan it out.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
oh cry me a River....I was hoping in a sense they repealed Obamacare because the only way for real change is for the racists to suffer....and repealing Obamacare would have accomplished watch Trump foolishly add to the debt now that his fat ass failed on Obamacare....Armageddon is near.
Muslim Ban - Fail
Repeal and Replace - Fail
Tax Reform - Likely Fail

Now that Trump failed on the single biggest issue that got him elected he's about to double down on stupidity:

However, the tax cuts were supposed to be paid for by savings from the withdrawn healthcare bill.

Without the spending cuts in the failed bill, any tax cuts will add to the federal budget deficit.

I wonder if the house and senate will be stupid enough to let Trump and Bannon's next hare brained idea come up for a vote.

let the shitstorm of lies and failures continue Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The Trump Train will roll over you communist 0zombies, just sit back and enjoy the show, Shitistan Mosque...

Definitions from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Derangement: Mental Illness

Subversion: A systemic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within.

Sedition: Sedition is the rebellious talk and encouragement that might lead a mutiny and can be charged as a crime.

Treason: The crime of trying to overthrow your government or of helping your country’s enemies

Evolution: A process of change in a certain direction.
The decision to use the words, “derangement”, “subversion, “sedition”, and “treason” to describe Democrats’ and the Democratic Party’s actions in America today was not a decision I made easily. If you really look at the actions of the people who claim to be Democrats today and the people and groups who support them, it is inarguable that those four words are the exact description of their actions and objectives. The Democratic Party has “evolved” into a party that can best be described as a coalition of individuals and groups who are obsessed with destroying America and ultimately replacing it with a “One World Order” government.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ will someone put this wacko bird back in its cage
oh cry me a River....I was hoping in a sense they repealed Obamacare because the only way for real change is for the racists to suffer....and repealing Obamacare would have accomplished watch Trump foolishly add to the debt now that his fat ass failed on Obamacare....Armageddon is near. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Funny how the libturds were pounding their chest on Friday over the obamacare vote. But less than 24 hours later the libturds are blaming Trump for the failed obamacare system. Libturds OWN obamacare it is their legacy.

Remember to suck all the toe-jam off your foot because you keep sticking it in your mouth. Enjoy your obamacare loser.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Enjoy your obamacare loser. Originally Posted by canuckeight
I have been for 8 yrs now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, the GOP had seven years to make Obamacare great again.

Twitler's rhetoric nonwithstanding, the GOP promised to repeal and replace daily for seven years, And made a mockery of it.

Convincing voters that Friday's massive failure was the Democrats fault will be impossible, regardless of how much Twitler and his staff bullied members of their own party.

It just isn't so. And it will cost Twitler's Turd Reich such a massive expenditure of political capital that they won't have enough left to enforce the third, fourth and fifth Muslim bans Twitler will order.

Let's face it, dipshits. This isn't about fucking the other side. It's about keeping your promises, especially after you spent eight years preventing President Obama from keeping his.

You own this fucked up world because YOU caused it.

And that's the truth...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-26-2017, 07:43 AM
The proposed budget won't pass but somethings going to pass. The tax thing... i don't know I haven't seen much on it yet. We shall see.

I still think he should've moved on immigration as he has people on both sides ok with the idea. I'm not much for the wall but for much better enforcement and gettibg rid of birthright citizens. I think he passed on an easy win, and trump needs an easy win. Not another fight with his own party. If this keeps up he will sink himself.
  • DSK
  • 03-26-2017, 07:44 AM
Actually, the GOP had seven years to make Obamacare great again.

Twitler's rhetoric nonwithstanding, the GOP promised to repeal and replace daily for seven years, And made a mockery of it.

Convincing voters that Friday's massive failure was the Democrats fault will be impossible, regardless of how much Twitler and his staff bullied members of their own party.

It just isn't so. And it will cost Twitler's Turd Reich such a massive expenditure of political capital that they won't have enough left to enforce the third, fourth and fifth Muslim bans Twitler will order.

Let's face it, dipshits. This isn't about fucking the other side. It's about keeping your promises, especially after you spent eight years preventing President Obama from keeping his.

You own this fucked up world because YOU caused it.

And that's the truth... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's rich - you spend 8 years telling us Obama's massive deficits were Bush fault, and now that Trump inherits a huge mess it is immediately his fault?

This country has been declining since the 1960's thanks to liberalism. You guys screwed the pooch.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Muslim Ban - Fail
Repeal and Replace - Fail
Tax Reform - Likely Fail

Now that Trump failed on the single biggest issue that got him elected he's about to double down on stupidity:

However, the tax cuts were supposed to be paid for by savings from the withdrawn healthcare bill.

Without the spending cuts in the failed bill, any tax cuts will add to the federal budget deficit.

I wonder if the house and senate will be stupid enough to let Trump and Bannon's next hare brained idea come up for a vote.

let the shitstorm of lies and failures continue Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Sigh**** more lies?

Travel ban (not a Muslim ban except to frightened demogouges)==on hold but supported by 70% of the people.

Repeal and Replace (assuming that Obamacare lives long enough to do it)--first attempt failured because of Ryan and McConnell. Round two will be later when Obamacare is bursting into flames.

Tax reform--Even some democrats will like this so what is YOUR problem with it?

ISIS--United States going more agressive on their asses now.

JOBS (a three letter word according to Joe Biden)--Even before Trump raised his hand he started bringing jobs back.

Social experimentation--Boys in girls bathrooms is going the way of the dodo.

Illegal Immigration--Illegals are leaving the country and staying away from taxpayer provided services. A yuge win!
I have been for 8 yrs now. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
But wait, you said you was a playa. Only people that make less than $49k a year qualify.
  • DSK
  • 03-26-2017, 07:59 AM
The Trump Train will roll over you communist 0zombies, just sit back and enjoy the show, Shitistan Mosque... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Please note it is not illegal or criminal in any way to vote to radically change the US government, including petitioning and voting on the peaceful dissolution of our current country in favor of a better replacement.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now he's a revolutionary!!!

When will you premiere "Che Guevara" as your next handle, JL?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sigh**** more lies?

Travel ban (not a Muslim ban except to frightened demogouges)==on hold but supported by 70% of the people.

Repeal and Replace (assuming that Obamacare lives long enough to do it)--first attempt failured because of Ryan and McConnell. Round two will be later when Obamacare is bursting into flames.

Tax reform--Even some democrats will like this so what is YOUR problem with it?

ISIS--United States going more agressive on their asses now.

JOBS (a three letter word according to Joe Biden)--Even before Trump raised his hand he started bringing jobs back.

Social experimentation--Boys in girls bathrooms is going the way of the dodo.

Illegal Immigration--Illegals are leaving the country and staying away from taxpayer provided services. A yuge win! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You never provide any corroboration for your claims, JDrunk.

Too busy?