Review: Ivory Waste of Time!

Date: 7/22/2012
Provider: BP Ivory Beaumont
Phone: 832-891-8509
Email Address: None
URL / Website:
City: Beaumont
State: Texas
Address: I10 and College
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: NONE just a lot of text and promises but that was it...
Session Length: None
Fee: 4 hrs of my time
Hair Length and Color: Don't Know
Age: ?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: The pictures looked good but no way to tell.
Recommendation: No
Moved to Discussions because this is not a review.

Thanks for reporting your scheduling conflicts. Hopefully this will not happen to you again any time soon. If it does, post your report in the Coed Discussion forums. Use the button and share your experience.
Had the same problem called set something up I called when I was going she wouldn't pick up at all