Chocolate ('nuf said)

So, what are your preferences?
  • Kind of chocolate (your favorite?)
  • How often
  • Addiction
  • Anything else about it (a favorite gift sometime?)
I lean towards pedestrian chocolate (not the fancy stuff). My favorite are M&M peanuts.

Daily, while I am reading.

Not addicted. I have been known to go without for long periods of time.
Dark Chocolate when I'm weak and needy
Peanut M&Ms are my favorite. I don't like any others.. Godiva milk chocolates are great on occasion too
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!!!! I can put peanut butter on anything.....and I mean ANYTHING! I love salty and sweet together.
ForumPoster's Avatar
My fav always was Fauchon ( Then those french bastards had to go ahead and close New York store.

Still in mourning ....

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Dark chocolates, definitely! My favorite chocolates ever, are the Mon Cheri liquor filled chocolate covered cherries.

SlowHand49's Avatar
Any chocolate with the consistency to make it capable of being applied to strategic body parts . . .
I rarely eat chocolate here. I do indulge once a year when I go home though in a box of Thornton's continental chocolates. They are just orgasmic. Never tasted anything like them. It's a good job I have self control otherwise I would be twice the size and with considerably less disposable income since they are rich in both taste and price!

C x
awl4knot's Avatar
Miel is an upscale patisserie in my area that makes fabulous "artisan" chocolates. I often bring them to sessions, especially with new friends. They are truly appreciated. One traveling lady, who had been spoiled by an earlier swain, squealed in childish delight when she saw the Miel box. Her later performance was exemplary in its ardor, conception and execution.

Good Evening Mr. Tudor

If you get a chance, try the Amedei single estate chocolates.

Amedei chocolates may be made in Italy, but they buy beans from single estates in sundry countries in South America & the Caribbean.

For a less austere taste, the Swiss are by far the best; I am particularly fond of the truffles from Hefti in Zurich, but they are never exported as they have to be eaten within 48 hours of being made. If I am travelling, then I bring Sprungli's truffles, which are almost as good.

In Belgian chocolate, avoid the big names & try Wittamer in Brussels, but the rules about Hefti apply there also.

But sometimes you just want to have a Marcel Proust Madelaine moment and relive your childhood & then, nothing but Cadbury's Fruit & Nut will do.

Good Night
Travelingbro's Avatar
Luxury Daphne sure looks enticing... oh you said something about chocolate. Hmmm, I'm a Hersheys Chocolate Bar kinda guy... and its every blue moon but when I wants some Chocolate thats what I reach for.
Chocolate doesn't really do it for me. Not a big fan of candy in general, really.

When I do eat it, I like those insanely rich/bitter 70-90% cocoa solids bars -- black as night and NO dairy. I can only eat like one square in a sitting.
Gryphon's Avatar
Vosges Haut Chocolat makes high-cacao chocolate bars with...interesting additives. My favorite is the Red Fire Bar, with cinnamon, ancho, and chipotle chiles. It puts me in mind of the movie Chocolat, which generally leads to other activities...
pyramider's Avatar
Go to the Chocolate Bar in Houston, where every hour is happy hour.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
You haven't lived till you've had Norman Love chocolate! Recchiuti is another good one.