Hall of Fame today???

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-09-2013, 07:00 AM
Any thoughts on today's Hall of Fame vote today, guys? I'm thinking that no one gets in. Jack Morris got close last year, but I think he'll stay in about the same place this year. Bagwell too - close but not yet.

All the first timers? Nah. Ain't happening.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-09-2013, 07:21 AM
Biggio, should be a done deal.....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-09-2013, 08:41 AM
Hope not a one gets in that juiced.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Baseball writers are asshats.... this is their one and only time to wield any sort of power. Jack Morris is a strong maybe at best and may be the only to get in. Biggio won't getiin this year because Robbie Alomar didn't get in his first try and from many writers not from Houston he is a perceived "start compiler" without years of dominance. Which of course is complete bullshit. Bagwell gets fucked over again under the mere suspicion of PED's. Clemens and Bonds will be "taught a lesson" and will likely get less than 20% which again is a joke.

Funny the uproar over steroids of the 90's and 2000's and almost nothing mentioned of the RAMPANT abuse of freebies for over 3 decades which I can argue had as much of an impact on the day in day out grind as PEDs.

Fact is baseball was the last sports you could more directly compare eras by statistical analysis. That was hanging by a thread through the 60's and 70's and was destroyed by the end of the 80's and buried in the 90's. Popcorn ballparks, expansion, diluted pitching talent, weight training (even without roids ), and a complete change in culture at the plate (guys swinging from their heels instead of fundamental hitting and trying to make contact) are all parts that aided in the HR explosion. Writers are just too stupid Or too stubborn to see these facts.

Rant over for now.
tbone77494's Avatar
Seems odd that everyone "votes" and sends in blank ballots. Biggio is one you can vote for with no second guessing stats or roids.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Seems odd that everyone "votes" and sends in blank ballots. Biggio is one you can vote for with no second guessing stats or roids. Originally Posted by tbone77494
Not everyone will go blank. But many will simply abstain from voting. There were scores of writers who did not vote Nolan Ryan, Ricky Henderson and others so their percentage vote to get in wouldn't be higher than some of the "Old school" players. Some will tell you they NEVER vote for anyone on their 1st ballot.

And while we're at it..... are you sure you can't second guess Biggio? Or anyone who played during this era for that matter.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-09-2013, 11:43 AM
Biggio, should be a done deal..... Originally Posted by seedman55
He'll get in seedy. Just not this year, or next.

Biggio is one you can vote for with no second guessing stats or roids. Originally Posted by tbone77494
Every player in the locker room during this era can (and should) be "second guessed", sir.

Not everyone will go blank. But many will simply abstain from voting. There were scores of writers who did not vote Nolan Ryan, Ricky Henderson and others so their percentage vote to get in wouldn't be higher than some of the "Old school" players. Some will tell you they NEVER vote for anyone on their 1st ballot.

And while we're at it..... are you sure you can't second guess Biggio? Or anyone who played during this era for that matter. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Good thoughts, jad. Thanks!
Wakeup's Avatar
Funny the uproar over steroids of the 90's and 2000's and almost nothing mentioned of the RAMPANT abuse of moderator freebies for over 3 decades which I can argue had as much of an impact on the day in day out grind as PEDs such as Viagra. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
FTFY... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Different topic.... oddly similar..... but different topic......
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 01-09-2013, 12:22 PM
Good call bbkid....no entrants this year.
dearhunter's Avatar
That will mean no party.......can you say "free meal"?
Biggio was top vote getter, maybe next year.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Phuck them, I think the fans should decide who gets in and who doesnt.
I also think that there should be a Hall of Shame wing at the Hall of Fame for people that deserve to be in the Hall except for a few indiscretions, like Pete Rose. Probably one of the most famous players in history yest because he gambled on the game he is black-balled.

A man gets over 3000 hits in his career and has the name re3cognition like Biggio should have made it on the first round on that alone without looking at all of his other feats during his career.

Sports writers are worse than the GOP looking for people that are pure enough.
So the better question would or should be, what defines a Hall of Fame caliber player. Biggio had a long and for the most part injury free career and thus he could accumulate all the hits. But does that make him one of the All time greats? This is the Hall of Fame reserved for the GREATS not the just really good ones. I also agree BBW are ass holes with agendas.
HoustonMatt's Avatar
Biggio played for Houston and isn't in the baseball mecca's like NYC, Boston, Chicago, or LA. He'll get in next year.

Doesn't look like Big Mac will ever get in. Jack Morris looks like he's done as well.

Bagwell will probably get in eventually. Same with Piazza. Two guys who are suspected to using PEDs and HGH, but no proof.

What will be interesting is Clemens and Bonds. Will they ever get in? Doesn't look like Sosa has any chance.