shooting at scottish inn on rankin.

local school coach gets shot, claims it was car jacking, then changes story....

shot by a pimp ?
Yeh, this is looking bad. His "I pulled into the Scottish Inn to use the rest room" sounds pretty lame.

I really hate to see where this is going to end up. But come one, you don't get shot for no reason, and the Cops sure ain't buying his reason.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-17-2010, 08:18 PM
shot by a pimp ? Originally Posted by echowarrier
Say it ain't so !!!
He is likely screwed by having paid for a room. I bet this was an affair rather than a hobby visit. Might explain the shooting. But for a minute lets suppose this was a hobby issue, and assume that he hadn't paid for the room what kind of story could he tell and have it be believed? This ignores that security cameras probably track him coming into the hotel as well as the person is was meeting?
notanewbie's Avatar
if he was actually car jacked that SHOULD be the story, not a guy getting a piece of ass cause his wife won't put out.
ratboy jam's Avatar
I've visisted that same exact SI many..many times. Thanks Ava, Robin, Ava, Ava, and a few others. And each time I was there I got "jacked" also!!