Mystery solved

Toolman's Avatar
Ever wonder how Nancy Pelosi got elected to the U.S. Congress?

Behold her constituency:

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Toolman, lad...your brain took a right and your pecker (finger) taken a left...Pelosi ain't no senator, she be a congresscritter.

But I take your point. I think Robbie Knievel tried to jump over a gang of nekkid queers strung out on the Golden Gate Bridge his D-9 caterpillar. Wonder how that turned out.

My ex-wife is from Marin County, deep in the anus of Pelosi country, I think. So I had the opportunity to get to know a bunch of those trendy shitbags. Thank God those days are over.
Toolman's Avatar
Error corrected.
you know, this leads me to ask, do the providers care if you look like this? (i look nothing like this btw lol)
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Ewww!! he needs a pedicure and shoes that don't have his toes hanging off
LexusLover's Avatar
I knew that's how Feinstein got elected, but ...

......... now I know the rest of the story.
Timk48's Avatar
Darn...I'm outed!
dearhunter's Avatar
Walk a mile in his shoes before you start bitching.
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 09-01-2010, 09:54 AM
Some skinny ass gay boy is banging that sugar daddy.