John Madden: Ace Is The Place

tia travels's Avatar
I am so embarrassed I'm actually LAUGHING OUT LOUD here in my hotel room. First off, I loooooooooooove MADTV. Secondly, love the John Madden Popcorn skit too. But this one has me LOL at 2:28, 3:09 especially.

TFF. Thanks for posting this is great.
I am so embarrassed I'm actually LAUGHING OUT LOUD here in my hotel room. First off, I loooooooooooove MADTV. Secondly, love the John Madden Popcorn skit too. But this one has me LOL at 2:28, 3:09 especially.

"HOLD THE WOOD JUSTIN!" Originally Posted by tia travels
Yeah, It's Football Season. Everybody loves John Madden. His players did too. especially Phil Vilapiano. Phill use to get fined for fighting, but John took care of all his fines. I'll post the Pop Corn Video for ya ok.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL ACP..Good one!!!